Author Archives: Paul Jacobs

Finishing Strong !!

With this being my last semester here at City Tech, I looked at my calendar this morning a notice I only have a few months here. This semester has been a struggle for me. I’m taking 5 classes of which 4 are heavy writing based. Full time school full time job. As for my job, this is the period were most projects are being done. I’m hoping for a strong finish this semester in order to maintain my GPA.

Expanded Definition

The word I chose for my expanded definition is Firewall. So far I’ve got to my research stage of word using online library resources. I plan to go to the library to get further help. I think the librarians will be able to pull up more resources from the Cuny database then I’m getting when I just use the city tech resources. I think it will be a challenge to expand the word using 750-1000 words.

Summary Assignment

During the summary assignments, I found some difficulty at first choosing my topic. After much research and assistance from the librarian I was then able to narrow my online search for peer reviewed journals. The writing of the 500 words summary using the peer reviewed journal was a challenge since it required me to read a few times to pick out the main points to focus my writing on.

Facebook Live

From reading the “Facebook Live” article, I was particular impressed with the amount of resources and time the Facebook company puts into their product before launching it officially. Facebook is keen on remaining at the top of the social media world as they look for new and innovative ways to remain “king”. Knowing that users loves real time stories or news events. Facebook launched Facebook Live.