Author Archives: Kevin Bayolima

Kevin Bayolima Anything Writing

The instruction manual is in my mind but at the moment I am more preoccupied with the math test i have. I have an idea for the instruction manual but it may seem broad but seems like a instruction manual i would see. Also thinking of a another test I will probably have next week so I’m probably gonna have to read those two chapters and memorize it during the weekend. I don’t know if it was only me but i found it kind of funny when the German leader visited the white house and trump just avoided eye contact as well as not shaking her hand.Similarly he then in a press conference he felt they were in the same situation with the wire tapping accusations.

Kevin Bayolima Six Step Process on making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

  1.  Have the materials needed to do this ready (2 slices of bread, dull knife, peanut butter,jelly)
  2. Put two slices of bread flat on the counter
  3. open lids of containers holding the peanut butter and jelly
  4. Use the knife and insert in peanut butter then spread on one of the slices of bread
  5. Clean the knife and do step 4 but with the jelly on the other slice of bread
  6. Take the two slices of bread with jelly and peanut butter and put them together so that the jelly comes in contact with the peanut butter.

Kevin Bayolima Expanded Definition Thoughts

This assignment was not as difficult as i anticipated as well as not being easy.  The term cyber bullying itself is rather interesting because it was created recently in the past two decades although its predecessor term bullying has been along a much longer period of time. I was able to find a decent amount of articles to help me make my paper. The word did branch of to the field of psychology which was helpful with context. As for the similarities and differences its predecessor term gave me a lot of information to work with.

Kevin Bayolima Chapter One Thoughts

After reading chapter one i found the information very reader oriented. The topic of the communication being useful and persuasive resonates with me. With usefulness we must consider the readers background whether they have the same field you are in or multiple different fields. However in school i am used to making documents that are meant for my teacher and assuming they know the information already. As for persuasiveness characteristics of the reader comes into play. Many factors of the readers are important such as social , political views. It may be more difficult to persuade one mind set then another so organizing the communication to be persuasive to multiple mind sets seems challenging.

Kevin Bayolima Technical Summary After Thoughts

At first i was uncomfortable with the assignment due to using the Ursula Search Engine. From my experience articles from the libraries database tend to be long and use words and math equations that look foreign to me. However when i started it i found the article I wanted to do it on. It was difficult to summarize with the constraint of 500 words because there was 11 pages of information to evaluate. Although I did learn from this project  to remove redundant information and keep the important information within the constraint of 500 words.

Kevin Bayolima Article Response # 1

Facebook live was a new development for Facebook as it was entering the live stream market. In a couple of months it dominated its competitors. I found this interesting because technology can be made for one use but can be used for other purposes. In the example of Facebook live it was meant to be used as a tool for people to share live events with family members and friends or for famous people to get in touch with their fans. However it was also used as an important tool to cover tragic events such as the police shootings in mid 2016 which made people aware of police brutality. I found this interesting because technology can adapt to the environment around it as it can be intended for one thing but can also be used for other purposes.

Kevin Bayolima Short Story Response

I found both stories interesting as they dealt with science fiction and the sensitivity of time travel. Bradbury’s Sound of Thunder dealt with the use of time travel as a hunting activity. This has inspired films such as Back to the Future and the Butterfly Effect. I found this essential since Bradbury helped accomplish the theme of dystopian futures. It also showed us how sensitive time is as one alteration can impact the future immensely. Heinlein’s All You Zombies takes time travel in a different approach as the story shows us how time can be manipulated in a way to make sure events happen. Throughout the story we see little by little as all these characters are actually one in the same. I can see this story inspiring the movie the terminator as it uses time travel to make sure certain events happen. I believe these stories were the origins of the time travel genre and it fits with our class as the narrative is well told to the audience for them to clearly understand what is happening.

Introductions : Kevin Bayolima

Hello I am Kevin Bayolima I use to be a emerging media student then switched to Computer Systems Technology to better understand computers and want to major in network security as it is the most widely used method of sharing information and data. I hope to increase my writing abilities in this class and wish everyone a good semester.