Author Archives: Kevin Bayolima

Kevin Bayolima Thoughts

I have started looking up my part of the group project. So far i have only researched how fossil fuels have had a negative impact on the environment. However i also need to focus on the history behind our use of this energy source. Overall everything i find is interesting but now i have to condense it all into 1000 to 1500 words.

Kevin Bayolima Thoughts on Shallows Chapters

I found the readings interesting because it spoke about how the mind has adapted to technological advances and how we use technology for our personal benefit. It also touched upon different views on technology such as how we think we are in control of technology as well as how we know technology may overpass humans. The other chapter spoke of the internet and how it has changed our lives. It also discussed how the internet has made some things such as libraries change dynamically to fit the new technology trend.

Kevin Bayolima Thoughts

Finishing the instructional manual was difficult this spring break due to their being a lot of information to break down. My major concern was jamming so much information only to 2000 words. I feel like i left a lot out of my manual however a word limit is a word limit there is not much i can do about that.

Kevin Bayolima Instruction Manual Progress

I have started on my instruction manual and i believe i have sufficient information to fulfill the 2000 word count as well as including graphics to give the reader some visuals. However the format I am using feels weird because of how the previous two papers were in MLA format. Also i am not sure one which words may not count in the total word count.

Kevin Bayolima Thoughts of the Week

So far the only thing i am concerned about today is my CST 2307 exam. As for the instructional manual i honestly have not started but understand the format i will use to make it. After today my attention will go fully on the instructional manual meaning i will take the pictures necessary for it and start writing the first draft.

Kevin Bayolima The Checklist Thoughts

What i got out of the article is how checklists have changed the mannerisms of intensive care units in certain areas mentioned in the article. With checklists nurses and doctors make sure that all the steps are taken care of in ICU procedures to reduce infections and other complications from occurring in patients. However as of the date of the article the implementation of checklists in ICU’s was not a standard meaning not all hospitals use checklists. This could lead to higher chances of infections and complications in patients then those who use checklists.

Kevin Bayolima Instructional Manual

For my topic i want to do it on animation using adobe flash. I think my manual would make clear all the tools in the program to do the task. However it seems its mean for people in the art field so its not to a general audience. However i think how i organize it may be simple for many people to use not just artists.