Author Archives: Marlon Edmond


I am back to my normal sleeping habits of 5 hours or less, and before spring break I couldn’t really tell you when was the last time that I actually got the required amount of sleep. Anyhow, not to bore anyone with my latest morning cup of complaints but these next few months will be very busy. I have school plays to attend, Mother’s day of course, my eldest daughter is graduating on my birthday ( I’m still mad at the school for that shenanigan ) her PROM, which by the way easy to deal with when she was little not at eleven when boys come further and further into sight. But all that takes a back burner to finals and projects all due at the same time, yaaaaaay to college!

All over the place

right now my mins is all over the place that I can’t seem to settle in one thing to discuss. I have erased this mini mindful discussion at least five times, would be six but he just gave the all proverbial statement ” Ok guys just a few more minutes and finish up” which mean this wont be deleted and it will be posted. But yes I am thinking about too many things right now … to be continued.

At this point

How do we mentally get into class when the day has just begun and yet (at least me) would rather it be coming to an end. I am mentally tired. I have no energy to think or the want to think. And after all my toddler complaining all the assignments and due dates will all be waiting for me like a parent waiting for their child to stop their tantrum, only there is no treat to make it happen quicker. Oy vey I need a break!

Life happens and then you wonder why …

Children as beautiful as they can be are viral terrorists. The attack you at any moment and usually in a public setting. My children are my lovely pains in the ass, they distract me, command my attention constantly and require food, shelter and clothing. And you know what they are also therapists, motivators and the best moments of each day in my life.

Spring Break outcomes

I would love to sit here and say that I plan on doing nothing but in REALITY, that will not be happening ever. I have a life to-do list that stretches at least four years long that due to school I have been clearly ignoring. I have been wanting a break from everything critical thinking. I need a more than just a week away from school, as as of right now I need half a year but like everyone we have a bigger goal to obtain which keeps up shackled to the progress of completing of degree. I just may end up grabbing my fun bunch and head to NC, but then again I can completely avoid packing, driving, stopping and more driving by not going anywhere. Time will tell. But to my fellow classmates enjoy your time off and hopefully we can return refreshed despite the very SHORT time away. Last thing I think spring break needs to be at least two weeks long!