Author Archives: Kwaku A.

Group progress

This group project seems to be going well. The task was perfectly divided. My part is almost done. I just need to have more reasons why the solutions I am offering will solve or have a big impact on the topic. Overall everything is going well in my group.

13 reason why in me

A complete stranger I ran into yesterday. I tend to have very strange encounters but this might have been the strangest. Let me paint the picture it’s night time and I walking in the park to clear my mind and I see a girl crying. The New Yorker in me wanted to keep walking however the part of me that just finished watching “13 reasons why” wanted to investigate. So I sat next to this questionable girl and learned it’s her second semester in NYU and she has no friends and doesn’t have a strong relationship with her family. She also went on to tell me about how every friend she makes ends up leaving and I might have been one of the as I forgot to share my contact with her after promising to be her friend.

100 interaction challenge

Every month I set a personal goal for myself and this month I wanted to disconnect from technology. My goal is very simple interact with 100 strangers before this month ends. In my attempt to accomplish this goal I noticed I often judge an individual before approaching them. I try to guess what topic they’ll most likely want to talk about or if they’re friendly or not. Doing this challenge has been an eye opener because I learned my judgement of people are very inaccurate. I also noticed some questions can offer up an interesting conversation like “are you happy in life?”

3 hours of sleep and 5 more classes to go

To say taking 6 classes this semester all on the same day is a bad idea is an understatement. At this point my bed has become a thing of a myth to me. I question if it even exist when I get home. When I’m not battling my curiosity to research random topics that just happen to pop up in my head I’m sleeping in some unknown part of the house. Three weeks of school left and I can’t wait. To conclude I am never taking 6 classes again.