Author Archives: Kishan Mangar

Feedback for Expanded Definition

The expanded definition assignment is going ok so far. Although I have not completed it yet, I would say everything is in place for a smooth writing. I originally had fears that I would not know how to go about doing the assignment and how to come up with enough information for 750 words but I found enough information to do so. The instructions for the assignment was somewhat clear but not very relevant to my term so I had to play around it such as how the term is used in different fields which there is not much to write about due to it being used the same everywhere.


As I approach midterms, I feel that the work is really starting to kick in and that I need to start making moves towards getting the final assignments finished. While I don’t really have much midterms or midterm assignments, I do have final presentations and assignments that looming over me. So as I reach the middle mark I must start taking action.

Reading on Chapter 1

The reading touched on how  a person’s writing must incorporate a certain style which can grab and persuade an audience. When a person is writing they must be presenting information to a diverse group on individuals whether it is to someone of different nationalities, fields of studies, or departments at work. Due to the need to deliver information to such different groups we must make sure our information is precise and can be clearly understood by those who are not as knowledgeable as your are.

Progress on Technical Definition

Progress on the technical definition assignment is going  fine so far. For my technical definition assignment I will be defining the term “machine learning”. I believe I have the main three articles I am going to use already, although I am feeling a bit unsure about one of them. However, I believe it should be enough to rack up enough information to reach at least the bare minimum of 750 words. I am still looking for more sources to work with just to supplement the main articles.

Technical Summary

The technical summary assignment was fairly easy. Any assignment that is short I feel is  typically an easy one especially when having to discuss a topic which you have enough information to deliver. If there was a challenging aspect to it, I would say it would have to be trying to choose what is most essential to discuss.

Progress on presentation

I have not made much progress on the article presentation. I am still looking for an article to do my presentation on. I have been going through different topics to find which topic would be good to discuss and would have enough information for me to present. I also just recently remembered that I had this assignment and have been quickly scurrying to find an article. Therefore it has been a pretty difficult process.