Author Archives: Kishan Mangar

Group Work Update

The group work as far as I can see is going well. Everyone is cooperating with one another and are working hard in trying to get everything done. From the little group assignments we have done before, I can tell we work great as a team as we completed those assignments completely in sync. So far everyone has just about finished researched and is moving on to the paper. I finished my part yesterday because I need to start focusing on my finals.

Group Project

Our group project is going well, I have found that our group works together nicely and efficiently. We already have a topic which I believe to be a good one that is very appropriate with what is currently going on around us. It also provides enough information to create 4000-6000 words of content.

The Shallows

The Shallows was a very informative read. It discussed the concept of technologies, how they evolved and how they affect the way we process and carry out tasks. Essentially what it covers is how technologies shape our mind’s construct whether it aids in the development of how we think, or how it can take away or reduce our thinking or processing capacity. Technologies have certainly helped us to grasp abstract concepts and model it into our everyday lives.

The ShallowsChapters 3 and 5

I did not get to finish reading the chapters for today. I spent almost all night doing hw for my CST class and when I began to read, it was pretty late and I felt it just would not stick if I continued. I had planned to come in extra early so I could read before class but I did not get in early enough to do a substantial amount of reading. Now that I think about it maybe it was a bad idea to do hw that was due Sunday over reading for class today.

Back from break

I am not very excited to be back in school seeing as how the semester is coming to an end and all the real work starts to really kick in. My spring break was not exactly the best since I spent most of it doing hw and procrastinated on doing it so that was a waste of time. I wish I had a longer break so I could find time to actually enjoy it.

Spring Break Plans

My plans for spring involve two things, studying for certifications and playing video games. I am trying to finish all the spring break assignments and projects before spring break kicks in so I a can focus on these two things. The certifications I am studying for are the CompTia A+  and Network+ exams which would help greatly in getting a job and getting enough knowledge to perform any tasks. As for the video games part I have a lot of games to play  so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Instruction Manual Progress

I have finally decided on a topic to do my instruction manual on. I had bounced between two ideas that I felt would be good, however the first could be a problem in terms of the criteria of the assignment which I might break accidentally break the rules. The second idea I had would have been a daunting process which would take a long time to go through to get pictures not to mention if I had made mistake it would be detrimental to my computer. So the idea I have settled on which is to run a gaming emulator on Windows 10 would be the best idea because there is no instruction manual for it and it is a fairly easy process.

Current Thoughts on Instruction Manual

The due date for the instruction manual is approaching and I have not started yet. I originally had the idea of giving instructions for the zenmap program but that may be too close to breaking the rules of the assignment. I am now thinking about doing ransomware removal from a computer but that is a long winded task to pull off just to get screenshots for the assignment so that is why I have been holding off on starting. This assignment is much harder than I thought.

The Checklist

“TheChecklist” brought to my attention the complexities of surgery and and what goes on in the ICU. Not only that, but it discusses how complexities can be avoided by the implementation of a checklist which would cover necessary precautionary steps doctors should take during surgery. I normally hate reading things based on medical field because for one I  typically don’t understand the lingo, and two because it grosses me out. However, it was necessary to understand that there are ways to improve ihow doctors can save lives.


Topic for Instruction Manual

For my topic I am thinking about giving instructions on how to use the program Nmap which is a tool used for analyzing a network. I have seen an instruction manual for Nmap already and it does not give too much information which is good because it means my manual will be completely different from the official manual. I have already used Nmap for a previous tutorial assignment so I already have screenshots to use. A tutorial of Nmap should give me enough information to achieve the word count requirement.