Author Archives: Juan Holguin

Plans for Spring Break

I don’t really have anything planned for spring break other than just catch up on a lot of school work and also work on my presentation which is later this month. In between those things, i would probably, if i have time, take 1 or 2 days just to relax.

Progress on the Instruction manual

With one week left for the instruction manual to be due, I have been making progress. So far I have around half of the word count done, and it looks like my fear of not meeting the word count limit is gone. The hardest part was making sure that the manual was able to be followed by other people that don’t have any experience about the topic.

Brainstorming for Instruction Manual Topic

Coming up for with a topic for the instruction manual was a bigger challenge than expected. The main reason for this was that, it hard to come up with an instruction manual that isn’t out there. Based on the exercise of last class, where we had to write an instruction manual about anything, I’m thinking of using that same topic and expanding on it.

Summary Aftermath

For me one of the hardest part of this assignment was trying to take all the points the author was stating, and write them more fluent in my summary, instead of just kind of listing them. When I was done with the summary, one thing that I was pleased was how efficient I was able to pick out the main points. The only little problem that I had what the transition between the points.

Research Process

So far in my article research for the presentation, i been searching on google for articles that have to do with how technology is changing our everyday life and economy. Something around the lines of an article that is similar to the article that we had to read for today’s class. So far i haven’t found anything exciting, but soon i should be able to find one.