Author Archives: Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero, Write About Anything

Hey class,

I wanted to write about my commute to school. I was on my way here this morning when everything seemed to go wrong. I was driving on the BQE where there was more traffic than usually, thinking I am going to be late to class. Then, my brake fluid light turned on and I knew there was something wrong so I got off the highway to take a look. When I checked under the car it was leaking brake fluid, so now I had to find a place to buy some to hold me over to get to school so I can take care of this problem. I never thought I would make it to class at all but I made it on time. Luckily there was a parking spot as soon as I arrived in the area.

Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero, Six Step Instruction Manual

How to open a USB drive on a PC computer

  1. First, if the USB Drive has a cover make sure it is off.
  2. Next, find a USB port on your computer and plug the USB Drive into it.
  3. Now, look to the bottom right corner of your screen and see if a message appears, it may say installing driver software or device ready to use. If it says installing driver software, wait for it to finish.
  4. After the driver software is installed either you should see a pop-up screen giving you options how to view what is on the device, choose your preferred option or you will have to go to my computer and open it manually.
  5. To open it manually click on the start menu, find where it says computer, click on it, and the window should open and on the top, it will say computer.
  6. Then, find the name of your USB Drive, usually listed under devices with removable storage, double click on it and it will open to the contents of your USB Drive.

Jose Guerrero, Expanded Definition

Hello everyone,

Doing the expanded definition was somewhat of a rough start for me. I always have a difficult time looking through the articles from the school’s database. Apart from looking for the article, I couldn’t wrap my head around writing such a long definition of a word, how much could I say? After writing out the different parts of the assignment and putting it together I found that it began to make more sense to me and it was not as ridiculous as I had originally thought it to be. There is normally one definition of a word but so many applications and different contexts that it can be used. I would like to think that I learned something about the word Wi-Fi and i hope that I was informative for the reader.

Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero, Midterm Assessment

Dear class,

This semester is somewhat difficult for me as the midsemester approaches. As many of you know it is difficult to juggle work and school. I go to school three days a week and work four days a week. There is not much time for anything else with this schedule and I cannot wait for it to end. The most difficult thing for me is time management in regards to all the assignments I have to do. I am taking 12 credits this semester so I have many assignments to do. The struggle for me is always time, there is never enough time but I am managing so far.

Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero Chapter 1

Dear class,

Reading chapter one helped me to understand the reader-centered attitude. I have never been great at writing reader-centered. I believe this chapter can help me work on my tone specifically. I am not good at changing my tone in my writing to get my point across. I hope that I can get better at this to improve my writing.

Jose Guerrero Expanded Definition

Dear class,

My expanded definition ifs tougher than expected. The main thing I am struggling with is the scholarly articles. It is difficult to find sources that are interesting. There are a lot of articles with good information but the difficulty is to find the information that will be relevant for the reader.

Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero 500 Word Summary

Hello everyone,

Doing this 500-word summary was challenging. It was challenging because I did not know what article to chose. I had to find a credible source and I was looking for an article that interested me. Looking through so many articles was difficult for me and a bit boring to be honest. When I found an article I could work with the challenge became breaking it apart and looking at the main points. After reading the article many times it was possible to write the summary. The most challenging part for me was breaking the article down to get the main points across with enough information for the reader to understand.

Jose G Article Research.

Hello Class,

Looking for an article for the assignment has not been the easiest for me. I made a large list of articles that I just glanced at and have been reading through them one by one. I have found few that actually caught my attention. I think I will find something soon but one of the difficulties I was having was finding good tech sources because I read articles from the internet that can be from not so scholarly sources so I have to get used to looking for more reliable sources.



Jose Guerrero Facebook is changing the world

Dear class,

The article on facebook live was very informative. I did not realize how popular it was because I myself have never used this feature. What interested me was that people use this “live” feature to record and share events near them like if they see a police incident. I thought that it was useful in that way to keep people informed with what is happening in real time and also to be able to see the post after events which could be possibly used in police investigations or journalistic investigations. Another thing that interested me was the how the lady shared about the Chewbacca mask not particularly because of the mask but it is amazing that you can share things with people across the world in real time, so if you’re separated from loved ones you can still share special moments with them.



Jose Guerrero

The first story I read was “All you Zombies”. This story was confusing for me because I didn’t know where it was going. I was trying to understand why the character was referred to as he and then she. After reading the entire story it explained what was going on with the character and I began to understand more. I was still a little confused in the end, from what I understood Jane was the man who took her own baby and put it up for adoption. She was never able to find the man because it was herself and was nowhere to be found because she time traveled to get the baby. I was interested in the time traveling aspect and the paradox of how her life was affected by herself or himself in the end. I did not completely read the other story but I did like the science fiction aspect of how they time traveled to hunt dinosaurs. My favorite thing they spoke about was how a very small change could cause a ripple effect and could possibly change the entire future.