Author Archives: Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero, Semesters almost over

Dear everyone,

With the semester getting close to the end there is lots of work to be done. I have a few final projects and some final papers to do. There is a lot of work to be done in this month but it will get done. The hardest thing I am working on with a group is an alarm system we are building specifically a laser trip wire. The project is not so hard to build but the coding is what will take more time. It needs to be programmed so that when the laser is interrupted it trips the alarm and the siren goes off. Hopefully, we figure everything out and it works well.

Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero Late to class

Dear class,

Today i was late to class. I should have gotten here early but as I was looking for parking a firetruck pulled into an intersection and I was stuck on the street. I was not sure what to do, the only way I saw out of there was on the sidewalk and I did not think it would be a good idea to drive on the sidewalk. I am disappointed  that I missed the presentation because the discussion sounded interesting from the door but I am glad i made it to some of the class because I wanted to have a chance to talk to my group.


Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero

Dear class,

I spent most of the time I had researching my group work this weekend and this like I have always said it is my least favorite part. Looking through boring articles and trying to find information that will work for your own topic is always a challenge. I found myself asking many questions and still questioning if the topic I was looking at is worth doing or a good topic. There is a lot of information so I will continue to go through it and see what is best to use.

Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero Coming to School on Thursday

Dear class,

I was not excited about having school this Thursday, normally I do not have class. Having classes makes the day difficult with work, now i have to make up whatever I do not get done at work today on Saturday when I was not supposed to work. Nevertheless, I was able to work the schedule out which I am glad about because I was afraid I might have to miss my classes today, something I normally don’t mind but I did not want to miss anything important that might be discussed. I will try to take advantage of being here today and get the work done that I had planned to do over the weekend in school instead.


Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero Coming Back From Break

Hello everyone,

During the break, I mostly caught up on work and made up some hours I had taken off for school. I was also able to catch up on some sleep that I had been missing. I celebrated easter with my family and now it’s back to school again. With about a month left in the semester, it is going to get very busy again. I hope I can get right back into it and get everything done that needs to get done. I know there will be a lot of work to do for school and I will have to put the time in to get everything done. Hopefully all goes well and this month will be over and it will be another semester over with.


Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero, Spring Break

Hello everyone,

For spring break I will not be having much of a break because i will still be working. The good thing is that i will have some more free time in the evenings. I am looking forward to catching up on sleep. I do have a project to work on and I still have to finish up the instruction manual so I will still have to do some school work. I am very happy that I do not have classes and hopefully I’ll be able to take a couple days off to spend some time with my family for Easter.


Jose Guerrero

Jose Guerrero, Instruction Manual

Hello Class,

I started the instruction manual but I have not gotten far. I’ve had a lot of studying to do this week because of midterms. I have two midterms today and i haven’t had the time to put into the instruction manual. I have the main steps done so now i need to add a lot of detailed instructions.

Thank You

Jose Guerrero