Author Archives: Isaac

Topic For the Instruction manual

I been having a hard time trying to come up with a topic for this assignment. I know there provably are thousands of topics  that i could choose from, however  I’m still deciding what kind of instructions manual I want to write. Some of the ideas that I came up with is to write about how to maintain an good friendship with someone or how to make dish or an instruction manual to how to customize the tail and tail lights of a motorcycle.

Six step instruction Manual

How to brush your Teeth.

  1. First grab your toothbrush and rinse it.
  2. Grab the toothpaste and put a drop of paste on the brushes of your toothbrush.
  3. Now start to brush your teeth, in circular motions.
  4. once you are done brushing your teeth, grab a cup fill it with some water and used it to rinse your mouth.
  5. Now rinse your tooth brush.
  6. Place everything back in place.

Expanded definition Project Feedback

This assignment is coming is going good so far. Definitely having the learning outcomes sheet, helped a lot to clarify what were the expectations from the assignment. I had a difficult start but once I passed over the first two paragraphs it become more clear how to approach the target of the assignment and focus on the definition of the term.


so far in the I have been able to manage the workload from all my classes. However, things are getting to the point that i feel like i would lose control and no be able to complete everything. Between work, school and managing my participation in clubs and community service I feel that i would have to drop some of my extracurricular activities in order to mange the time I dedicate to my classes’ work and catch up and prepare for Midterms.

Chapter 1 Reading

Form this chapter, I got that it is important to adapt according to  the audience. In order to communicate effectively you have to ask yourself what is that you want to communicate, what is the essence of the message you want to convey to the reader. Constantly modifying your writing approach by placing yourself on the reader’s shoes and imagining his/hers reaction.

Progress on the Expanded Definition

So far I been having a little difficulty writing the compare and contrast part of the assignment. On the other hand, searching a about the origin of a technical term has been challenging since as with many other technologies is hard to pin point a specific time of origin. Also, it has been rewarding because I learned how to search and use the Library database better.

Technical Summary

While Doing this assignment I learned a couple things. I realized that a lot of information can be concise and summarized since in my article a lot of the content was just restated to prove or to support a point previously made. However, when it cam to technical information I found it very hard summarize, it all seem relevant and very specific.
Overall, the assignment forced me to be more concise and help me to find ways how to convey a lot information with few words.

Finding Sources Isaac M.

I have not made much research for the presentation, but the other I was in one my classes yesterday and we went over an article about virtualization that really caught my attention. Therefore, I asked the professor if he could suggest me some articles about the topic. Also i been researching on google and the School’s library Database.

Reading Reaction to “Facebook Live is changing the world”

The article “Facebook Live is changing the world – but not in the way it hoped”, introduces the reader to the world of online live stream by regular users. I talks about how Facebook Live feature has changed the way streaming live videos is used and along the way how it has surpassed the competitors such as Meerka and Periscope in way considered the pioneers of live streaming stand alone apps for regular users.
In my opinion The way Facebook Live feature is an great tool for to share live experiences and also make people aware of an injustice occurring at the moment. Like controversial issues and political events. Gives the user the power to be expressive and have an audience.

Isaac M. All your Zombies and The sound of Thunder

My name is Isaac Montiel, when I first started reading “All your Zombies”,  I had hard time to follow what was going on. Wrapping my head around the whole concept of time travel and paradoxes, and definitely the ending was completely unexpected. How it could be possible for someone to be his/her own parent and grandparent at the same time? . Nevertheless, the overall concept of the story was completely unique, it kept me reading.

The second story “The Sound of Thunder” was very interesting, again dealing with the idea of time traveling, and the consequences it could have if one gets to alter the past. It got me thinking how much it could be true and it could ever be possible to time travel, it would be a catastrophe and the world as we know it could come to an end.

Hope everyone enjoyed both stories as much as I did.