Author Archives: Isaac

End of the semester

Final assignments for all my classes are accumulating as we approach the end of the semester. A little stressed out but excited to for the summer and some free time. Today I’m a little tired, because i just got back from West Haven, CT  from visiting my mother for the weekend and spend Mother’s day with her.

May 3rd

About the group project  seems that everything is going well. About everything else is getting to that time of the semester when is overwhelming many research project and finals are around the corner. I hope I would be able to accomplish all my assignments and get ready for finals.

Group Project

Even though not very enthusiastic   about doing group projects, this time seems that my group is on the right track. The topic selection was chosen  very easily and unanimous agreement from everyone. Also, I the team leader and my job was to distribute the work, which also was a flawless process. I just hope that my group is as excited as I am to see the outcome of this project .

The Shallows Reading

Reading the chapter five of the shallows, was very educational. The author writes about the origin and development of the computer. It all started as imaginary computing device to what we know today as the one device that does it i all. Little by little the computer has replaced many other devices such as ; the calculator, typewriter, telephone, libraries. Helping us to be more proficient and productive but at the same time it also creates many distractions. The author mentions that today people read more that in the past because they always have a screen in front of them but they are unable to do long readings because all the distractions jumping from one reading to another.

The Shallows Chp 3

Reading chapter 3 of the shallows “Tools of The Mind”  was very interesting to learn about the chronological order of the development of different tools that today we consider to be an essential part of our daily life. Tools that were developed to expand our power and control over different situations, over time and distance. All created, with a common purpose; to facilitate a task at hand and be more efficient. Reading this chapter made me realized of the importance of the many tools that make our life easier and we take them for granted.

Coming Back from Spring break

Having a wee off from school really helped me to relax and at least catch up on my sleep. Also, was able to get organized and make up some hours at work. I spent the weekend in Pennsylvania as part of a professional development retreat. It was fun and it helped me learn leadership and management skills and how to interact with different kinds of people.

Spring Break

I have too many things to do over the spring break. Work on a project for a class, a professional development retreat somewhere upstate. Also, this weekend my mother is getting married, so I will go to Connecticut for the wedding. But what I’m really looking forward to is to a least have a day or two to just relax.

Instructions Manual- Progress

I’m pretty much done with the instructions manual, I actually thought it was due today. That gives me more time to revised it one more time. Like I said before on my last’s week post I tried to had fun with it and be creative with the pictures and the way I integrated them with the text making them an essential part of the instructions giving the reader/user a visual guidance.

What I have learned about the assignments

The annotations assignment, even though I wasn’t able to submit it. It helped me to highlight important information from the reading and identify key points.
In regards to the instructional manual, I’m trying to have fun with it and doing it about how to install a motorcycle fender eliminator (undertail kit) since I did it before to my motorcycle and there are no specific instructions available because it is a customized modification.

The checklist

The checklist was very interesting article what I learned from it is how checklists have changed the the procedures of intensive care in certain medical areas. By using checklists nurses and doctors can make sure that all the steps are followed in to prevent or reduce infections and other possible complications. Also, according to the article some researches show that hospitals that do not use checklists during surgeries procedures and when taking care of patients have higher risks of infections and complications.