Author Archives: Gabe

Instruction Manual Topic

For my assignment I’m going to give steps on how to replace a 60 MB HDD from a PS4 to a new 1TB or 2TB HDD.  It’s a process that I’ve done on my own before so it’s fresh in my mind. My wish is to give steps on what to do before actually removing PS4 HDD like backing up your data onto an external hard etc.

How to shoot a jumpshot in Basketball

Step 1 hold the ball with your dominant hand over the ball.

Step 2 place your other hand on the other side of ball as a guide.

Step 3 keep your elbows squared and straight facing the basket.

Step 4 slightly bend your knees.

Step 5 jump up with your hands holding ball slightly above your head.

Step 6 release ball when your at the peak of your jump.

Step 7 land in the same spot where you jumped from.

Technical Communication Chapter 1 thoughts

1)Transitioning or changing styles for each communicational situation is similar to recalibrating mindset when entering an environment.

2) Writing in the professional job world is to tell readers what they need, not what writer knows

3) Ability to create graphics and arranging them to make communication visually appealing.

Thoughts on Summary Assignment

The challenges that I had during this assignment where finding a technical or scientific article that was valid and long enough to write 500 words about it. Another challenge that I had was summarizing the key aspects of the article without it sounding subjective.  In the end I think I did a solid job on assignment.


For  my  summary  topic  I  chose  to  explore  different  sites  such  as  CNN,  TheGuardian,  and  TechCrunch.  I  was  having  trouble  looking  for  an  article  that  wasn’t  simple  but  not  complex  either.    I  came  across  various  articles  that  were  about  technology  with  a  sprinkle  of  politics.

Gabe Armstrong: My Thoughts

In the past decade or so Facebook has been at the forefront of social media, so Facebook Live being introduced to the world was no surprise. Although a little late to the Live broadcasting game as mentioned in the article they are now back on top when it comes to users interacting and experimenting with the feature.