Author Archives: Gabe

Group Research Assignment

For my portion of the group research assignment, i’m beginning to wrap things up. I’ll probably be done with it within the next few days. Initially, i thought I was going to have some issues with structuring my writing to match my other group members portion of writing but so far so good.

May 3rd

Along side researching and beginning to write for the group assignment essay, I also have a final paper that I have to conduct research on. For my Hip-Hop worldview class, I have to conduct an interview about the aspects of hip-hop to someone that is of African descent. And also have to observe a and take notes of a form of hip-hop such as emceeing, djing, dancing. I’m not too confident about all that research I have to do.

Thoughts about the last few days

So I started an Internship yesterday at a DOE school in the Bronx. The night before I didn’t sleep well at all, I guess it was a bit of anxiety. My job is a Tech Support assistant, my job duties on the first day were to login to the computers before the students come in and start the day.  I helped organized the laptop carts and made sure their respective AC adapters were plugged in to charge. I met my supervisor,  some staff members, and the principal. So my day yesterday was a long but pretty good day.

Weekend Assignments

All I pretty much did this weekend was school work and nothing else. I was finishing up an essay that i have due for today Monday April the 24th for my Hip Hop world view class. I was also continuing  a Java programming assignment that is due for Tuesday. I only read chapter 3 of the Shallows last week and took down notes for it, I however forgot to read chapter 5.

The Shallows Reading

I thought that chapter 3 of the shallows was a very good educational read. The first few paragraphs of the chapter correlated the development of a child’s mind with their drawings/artwork into the origins of creating maps of the landscapes. A few more paragraphs of reading and it spoke about early middle aged technology for time keeping such as bell tolls from the clock tower. I was really intrigued by the reading when the writer brought up the term intellectual technologies.

Post Break

The week off was a productive and relaxing one. I tried to be stress-free as possible.  I went to two different interview sessions last week. On April the 10th I went to a group interview for the Cuny Service Corps. And on April 11th I also got an internship to work as a Tech Support for a DOE school.  I will be starting next week, so I’m certainly looking forward to that.

Spring Break

What I’m looking forward to the most for spring break is catching up with friends, going to the movie theaters, sleeping ,  going outside and exercising,  playing video game. I also have a job interview during the break as well.

My thoughts on this week

This week is midterm week, I’ve already taken a midterm on Systems Analysis and Design. I also have another one tomorrow on Java database designing. So far in my instruction, manual I’m almost done with it, I just need to add a few more steps to wrap it up. After that I’m going to read through it a hundred times to see what more can I add, or perhaps clarify on something that a read might think is unclear

My thoughts on “The Checklist” article

The first few pages of the article  was very intriguing about how modern medicine has evolved and how much better can it get. Half way through the article i wasn’t sure what to make of the it, to me it was just an educational reading that seamed directed more for people in the medical field especially with the jargon. Then i finally realized that the point the article was trying to make was that a checklist of simple steps was going to save more lives in the I.C.U. It’s basically an instruction manual. There was also a paragraph on airplane and how they were consider a very dangerous task until an instruction manual on  how to take off and land a plane was written.