Author Archives: Astrit

Assignment #2 observation


Assignment #2 observation


The assignment number two was about the Expanded Definition of Scientific Term. I chose to do the term “Privacy”. I chose this term because was easy to find scholarly articles about it and because it relates a lot to my degree, which is Computer Systems. As always, scholarly articles are more difficult to find compare to regular ones like the ones from news agencies. But, overall it was a good experience because I learn a lot about the term privacy, the etymology of it, the different ways it is was used and the way it is used today, especially in technology.







It’s almost the end of March and for us student it means one important event: The Midterms and it is a very stressful time for us. The main problem that lead to this stress is the amount of work that it takes to prepare for the midterms. And this is more than true for student like me that are taking four classes.  My main problem though is not the amount of work that I have to dedicate to the midterms but the time. That’s because I have to share that time, to prepare for my midterms, with my full time job that I do. In addition, it takes me more than three hours per day for commuting from home to school to work.

In conclusion, this month will be a very stressful one but not my only one I had.


The experience of writing about the Expanded Definition of a Technical or Scientific Term.


The experience of writing about the Expanded Definition of a Technical or Scientific Term.


My biggest problem with this assignment was finding the “perfect” term. It was a problem because there was so much to choose from, so I had to think a lot about to what to choose.

So at the end, I ended up choosing the term “privacy”. I am confident I will find articles about this topic, so it’ll be easier to write about it. The article is due next week so hopefully I will make it on time.

The experience of finding an article for the 500 Words Summary.

Astrit Terziu


The experience of finding an article for the 500 Words Summary.


For me the hardest step in writing the summary was to find the article. Because there are so many choices out there, it was difficult to decide which article was the best fit for the assignment. After I decided on which topic to write about, it was then the turn to search for the article. But it is not very easy to navigate through the online library to find what you want.

For this assignment I used Jstore library to find the article. And the article I chose was

“Electric Vehicles: Climate Saviors, or Not?”  by Jack Barkenbus.

article research

Astrit Terziu

English 2575 – D590

Class Work


The many ways of researching for an article.


To write a good article we definitely need good and most importantly reliable sources.

Such sources can be scholarly ones, or reputable news sources, like Reuters, New York Times, The Gardian etc. Unfortunately, I haven’t started looking for an article yet, but when I start, these are the sources I will be looking at.

Facebook Live

Facebook live is not a Facebook invention but what Facebook did with its live feature was something extraordinary. Because the sheer size of Facebook, which it is almost reaching two billion active users, it gave the live video technology a new dimension.

Apart from being used for fun and entertainment, as with all new inventions, Facebook live is sometimes being used for malicious intent. And because is a live streaming technology you can’t do almost nothing to prevent these malicious intents.