Author Archives: Astrit

The almost done week

Today is Monday and this semester is almost done, just one more week after this one. I am doing a lot of studying, projects, presentations, and tests before finals, so these last two weeks are very busy. I am also trying to do a group presentation with three other classmates. The presentation is going very slow and Iā€™m supposed to do the conclusion of the presentation. That means I have to wait for the other classmates to finish so I can do my part.

Wednesday journal

May 3, 2017
Open lab journal number 10! Important things to mention today;
Today is Wednesday, and today is that day that we are going to have student presentations. Also, these are the last two students for this semester.
Another important thing is that we started working in groups for the final paper. We came up with a topic but we have to split the work in four. And the last important thing is, we are definitely in the month of May which means that this is the last month for this semester.

daily log

April 26, 2017
Daily log
Today is presentation day. Thereā€™s supposed to be a two studentā€™s presentation day today but, because one of them dropped the class itā€™s going to be one presentation. This day is always a fun day because you donā€™t know what are you going to learn about through their papers. Almost all the previous topics were very interesting, and even though you donā€™t expect to learn a lot from them, you actually do. So im looking forward to the next presentation.

April 24, 2017

Today is a special day because in exactly one month this semester will end. However, this last month is looking to be very ā€œlongā€. There are many project we have to start and finish, many presentations to present and many finals to do. In this class we have to do a projects about ā€¦ā€¦ . Thatā€™s the problem, we havenā€™t come up with one definite topic yet, but we came up with three. And the deadline to come up with ā€œoneā€ is today.
Will get there.

to be decided

ā€œTo be decidedā€

This is the second day in a row writing on Open lab. What a joy. The topic for today is, ā€œTo Be Decidedā€. The weather is also very helpful in the mood sector. Anyway, today in class we are going to discuss an article named ā€œThe Shallowsā€. I wish I had done a preview to it but will do during the class.

spring break (aftermath)

Spring break (aftermath)
Today, April 19, 2017 is the first day of class after spring break. It was not a very productive spring break but in the relaxing sector, it shined. I needed this time off to unwind a little bit because all the stress accumulated during the semester. This first day however, itā€™s like starting school all over again for me. So definitely I need a couple of days of to recover from spring break. But, then again, itā€™s almost a month to the end of the semester so that will boost my motivation level a bit.

spring break

This is the last week before spring break. Should I be excited for it? Unfortunately the answer is no. There are many reason for that but the main one is: there is no break. For some reason, break does not have the meaning that it used to have before. Student should be allowed to have a break in the spring, but for some reason, professors see this as an opportunity to give more homework, more projects and less break. And after a long semester thatā€™s what I needed but looks like is not going to happen.

Instructional manual update

Instruction manual update

My third assignment for this semester is an instructional manual. So basically we have to write about a topic that we are familiar with and write it in a way so another can learn how to do it in a step by step way. The topic I chose was how to upgrade the hard drive on a MacBook Pro Late 2011 laptop. It is a topic that I am very familiar with because Iā€™ve done that so many time to my computer and others computers too.
Therefore it was a straight up process for me.

daily log

Itā€™s one week before spring break. So many project to do, so many paper to write, and a presentation to do. And everything is due before the spring break can actually arrive. In the end, one has to go through hell to reach the paradise. But wait, thereā€™s more, since we going to be off for spring break, the professor gave students a surprise. They said: ā€œsince you guys are going to have many days off then you deserve a bunch of home works, just in case you try to enjoy your deserved time off. Welcome to college.

Check list article experience

In this article there are few examples that tell one story; if everything is done right, it could be a life savior, literally. And this is made possible by following precise steps. In the example of the Austrian girl, there were many, many steps that everyone took to bring her from the ā€˜deadā€™. And everyone starting from her parents till she got to the emergency room did that job perfectly. So, in conclusion, when a job is done following a precise checklist, everything goes smoothly.