Author Archives: Abdoulaye Ndoye

back to back

Well I fell like it’s Deja Vu all over again. its ok for me because i actually get the feeling that i can do the same routine again and so far so good. I kind of over slept a little because I forgot to set my alarm up due of the back to back but mentally I am on a deja vu mode for the rest of the day so that great i know how to swing things around if things don’t go well.

Spring break

for spring break, I will actually re-work on all the assignment that I have submitted for this class. I am not happy about the grades IĀ received in the classĀ and it has been eating me the last few weeks. I know I can do better that what I have way better. spring break will be the perfect opportunity for me to relax and refresh myself for the second half of the semester.

free writing

I finally picked a topic for my manual. I am going to talk about how to set up the buildingĀ Ā for an event at Webster hall. I known for a fact it neverĀ been done before an am exited about it. there is a lot of variables to account for and hopefully I would beĀ able to cover them.

the checklist

Atul Gawande’s checklist was very intense topic regarding intensive care and the will to treat patients with the maximum effort. reading this paper, I was very moved by the story of the little girl in Australia that fell into theĀ pond. it was amazing how these doctors never gave up on her after she wasĀ technically dead for 2 hours. these doctors came up with carefully detailed stepsĀ from a short amount of time to bring her back to life.

Anything i want to write

this week has been so far a long and stressful week. i have been writing papers for two of my classes that are due this week and have 3 exams by the end of the week. Every window of opportunity i get, i try to find a way to write or read notes. iĀ  am also nervous about next week due to the presentation i have to do in class Wednesday. i am a very shy person and have this fear of talking loud in class.

turn a car on

how to turn a car on:
1. have the car keys and the car at your disposal
2. open the driver side of the car using the car keys
3. sit in the car and close the door
4. put the car keys in the ignition and the right foot on the brakes
5. turn the car keys clockwise while still maintaining right foot on the brakes
6. when you hear the engine running and the dashboard lights on: the car is turned on