Group Work

When applying for jobs, I always include on my cover letters that I work well in groups, as well as independently, but I may be lying. Because in class, I really don’t like working in a group setting. You learn you have to deal with everyone else’s study habits. And you have to deal with their personal issues as well. When they don’t submit their work in a timely fashion, I feel I have to be a nudge, and I don’t like that role. Feels like I’m being a nagging mother, and I already have two children for that. I’m no saint. I can procrastinate at times, too. But for the most part, when it comes to group work, I prioritize, and get things done, because I don’t want to be the one dragging the group down. I mean really. How hard is it to research a bit, and gather some information, so we can move things along here? Why can’t you answer an email? These are rhetorical questions, because what I really want are results.

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