Anything I like

Having the same class two days in a row is a little foreign to me now. I haven’t been in high school since 2012 so being I am used to a different routine nowadays. I was so disorientated this morning that I broke my sacred rule, to never wear a black sweater and black sweat pants at the same time. I was so focused on making sure I was going to the right class that I grabbed the black sweater and black sweat pants that I VOWED TO NEVER WEAR TOGETHER. I did not really notice until I got on the train what I had done. I guess it is due to the fact that I am on autopilot when I wake in the morning and perform my morning routine. Any deviation from this routine and I will not be able to compute what is happening and have a completely delayed reaction such as this morning when I spilled my cup of juice while I was getting ready. I do not know how long I stood there examining the spill but I could not think of the solution to this in less than 20 seconds. I hope to plow through the rest of the semester with the determination I thought I had in the beginning of the semester but it’s mostly up to me to perform all the planning and time management before hand so that I have a smooth and productive April (which is almost over) and May.

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