Semester Remainder

I believe the last part of the semester is always the hardest. Having the time management to get all the group projects that CST classes love to assign done, having time to complete individual assignments and be able to go to work and give 100% is a little daunting. As much as I would like to be ahead of the curve in terms of getting assignments done I find it difficult to be able to think so many days ahead when I’m not even 100% certain what I have in store for the next day. SInce Tuesday and Thursday are my days off from work I try to tackle anything due immediately after those days when I am home from class and then if I have an opening shift on the weekend I’ll take a nap when I get home and then try to get some work done. Spring Break was nice in that I got to do absolutely no work for a week and was able to leave it for the two days before the break ended. Now that classes have resumed I am back on the routine of getting work done on Tuesday and Thursday and any day I have an opening shift on the weekend.

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