Defintion Assignment Update

As with all my research writing assignments the bulk of the worry that goes into it is the research. The researching begins with my web browser open with a dozen tabs because I want to make sure the topic I pick has the ability to be broken down and explained enough to fulfill the requirements of the paper. Nothing will drive me more insane than being stuck at 500 words and nothing to say because I have not accumulated enough peer-reviewed articles as source materials. I believe for the contemporary references it would be good to have sources from web articles so striking a good balance between peer reviewed and web articles. So right now I am gathering all the interesting and/or detailed articles that I can so that I will have a lot of reference just in case I get stuck for whatever reason will I am writing. I want to right about a modern topic such as Esports or the Internet of things but the peer reviewed works are focused on particulars and don’t really explain the topic well enough at least for me and my understanding.

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