Monthly Archives: May 2017

13 reason why in me

A complete stranger I ran into yesterday. I tend to have very strange encounters but this might have been the strangest. Let me paint the picture it’s night time and I walking in the park to clear my mind and I see a girl crying. The New Yorker in me wanted to keep walking however the part of me that just finished watching “13 reasons why” wanted to investigate. So I sat next to this questionable girl and learned it’s her second semester in NYU and she has no friends and doesn’t have a strong relationship with her family. She also went on to tell me about how every friend she makes ends up leaving and I might have been one of the as I forgot to share my contact with her after promising to be her friend.

Wednesday journal

May 3, 2017
Open lab journal number 10! Important things to mention today;
Today is Wednesday, and today is that day that we are going to have student presentations. Also, these are the last two students for this semester.
Another important thing is that we started working in groups for the final paper. We came up with a topic but we have to split the work in four. And the last important thing is, we are definitely in the month of May which means that this is the last month for this semester.


I am back to my normal sleeping habits of 5 hours or less, and before spring break I couldn’t really tell you when was the last time that I actually got the required amount of sleep. Anyhow, not to bore anyone with my latest morning cup of complaints but these next few months will be very busy. I have school plays to attend, Mother’s day of course, my eldest daughter is graduating on my birthday ( I’m still mad at the school for that shenanigan ) her PROM, which by the way easy to deal with when she was little not at eleven when boys come further and further into sight. But all that takes a back burner to finals and projects all due at the same time, yaaaaaay to college!

Thought of the Day !!

As I sit thinking what should I post today, I opened my school email to notice some exciting news.  Here’s an extract from the email.

” Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that your records indicate that you are among a select group of students who have or will have completed all degree requirements with academic distinction and will graduate with academic honors. You qualify to receive your degree summa cum laude, with a cumulative GPA of 3.80 – 4.00. You are also eligible to participate as a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. I commend you for your outstanding academic record at City Tech.  ”

Wow !! I’m excited.



About Yesterday

The weather is so good but just so much windy sometimes. I sent my daughter to school in the morning and decided to go to park for a trip– it’s the blooming season of sakura in Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Such a beautiful day!  However, that was just my dream… I worked all day from morning to midnight… So sad.

May 3rd

Along side researching and beginning to write for the group assignment essay, I also have a final paper that I have to conduct research on. For my Hip-Hop worldview class, I have to conduct an interview about the aspects of hip-hop to someone that is of African descent. And also have to observe a and take notes of a form of hip-hop such as emceeing, djing, dancing. I’m not too confident about all that research I have to do.

Yeah so

Getting through the end of the semester becomes a lot more difficult when you plan a vacation immediately after the end of the semester. At this point last year I was taking more courses but this section of the semester just flew by. Mostly because it was my significant other’s graduation and graduation events so on the weekends I was taking trips to Albany 2 or 3 times this month alone. Now that she’s back home and working and I do not need to make the trip to the capital this semester is going a little slower. As I prepare the last batch of assignments and projects for the semester I believe that time will start passing by quicker. I’m assuming my mind checked itself out around spring break.

Last night…

Last night, I didn’t sleep, because I was busy doing homework for Strategic Management and this class, and I am happy to say,  I managed to make it to class on time. I had three 16 oz travel mugs of coffee, and a Red Bull, and some Rocky Road. I know it isn’t the best idea, but it worked for me. I haven’t memorized my presentation, but I know some of it, and I hope not to say “Ummm,” too many times. I’ll have some lunch later, and hope not to fall asleep during my CST course. In fact, I need to work on a couple of things for that class, too. Plus my coworker called and said they delivered 100 laptops to my office, so I have that waiting for me when I get to work tomorrow. Damn! Not enough time in the day, but I’ll make it through this semester.

Jose Guerrero, Semesters almost over

Dear everyone,

With the semester getting close to the end there is lots of work to be done. I have a few final projects and some final papers to do. There is a lot of work to be done in this month but it will get done. The hardest thing I am working on with a group is an alarm system we are building specifically a laser trip wire. The project is not so hard to build but the coding is what will take more time. It needs to be programmed so that when the laser is interrupted it trips the alarm and the siren goes off. Hopefully, we figure everything out and it works well.

Jose Guerrero