Last night…

Last night, I didn’t sleep, because I was busy doing homework for Strategic Management and this class, and I am happy to say,  I managed to make it to class on time. I had three 16 oz travel mugs of coffee, and a Red Bull, and some Rocky Road. I know it isn’t the best idea, but it worked for me. I haven’t memorized my presentation, but I know some of it, and I hope not to say “Ummm,” too many times. I’ll have some lunch later, and hope not to fall asleep during my CST course. In fact, I need to work on a couple of things for that class, too. Plus my coworker called and said they delivered 100 laptops to my office, so I have that waiting for me when I get to work tomorrow. Damn! Not enough time in the day, but I’ll make it through this semester.

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