Monthly Archives: April 2017

Jose Guerrero, Spring Break

Hello everyone,

For spring break I will not be having much of a break because i will still be working. The good thing is that i will have some more free time in the evenings. I am looking forward to catching up on sleep. I do have a project to work on and I still have to finish up the instruction manual so I will still have to do some school work. I am very happy that I do not have classes and hopefully I’ll be able to take a couple days off to spend some time with my family for Easter.


Jose Guerrero

The Coming Spring Break

The spring break is coming. From April 10-18, I will have enough time to stay at home and play with my daughter. Also, I will keep on practicing coding in the spring break. Like most of people, of course, I want to have a vacation with family members. So I also will think about make a vacation to other cities such as Boston.

Spring break

for spring break, I will actually re-work on all the assignment that I have submitted for this class. I am not happy about the grades I received in the class and it has been eating me the last few weeks. I know I can do better that what I have way better. spring break will be the perfect opportunity for me to relax and refresh myself for the second half of the semester.

Spring Break Plans

My plans for spring involve two things, studying for certifications and playing video games. I am trying to finish all the spring break assignments and projects before spring break kicks in so I a can focus on these two things. The certifications I am studying for are the CompTia A+  and Network+ exams which would help greatly in getting a job and getting enough knowledge to perform any tasks. As for the video games part I have a lot of games to play  so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Spring Break

What I’m looking forward to the most for spring break is catching up with friends, going to the movie theaters, sleeping ,  going outside and exercising,  playing video game. I also have a job interview during the break as well.

Plans for Spring Break

I don’t really have anything planned for spring break other than just catch up on a lot of school work and also work on my presentation which is later this month. In between those things, i would probably, if i have time, take 1 or 2 days just to relax.

Spring Break

I have too many things to do over the spring break. Work on a project for a class, a professional development retreat somewhere upstate. Also, this weekend my mother is getting married, so I will go to Connecticut for the wedding. But what I’m really looking forward to is to a least have a day or two to just relax.

My Spring Break

During i spring break I plan to focus my time towards my studies. Since this is my last semester, I’m aiming for a strong finish. In the previous years, I would normally go on vacation but I figured since this is my last semester, I can have lots of vacations at the end of the semester. Books ! Books Books ! for me during the break.