Monthly Archives: March 2017

Six step instruction Manual

How to brush your Teeth.

  1. First grab your toothbrush and rinse it.
  2. Grab the toothpaste and put a drop of paste on the brushes of your toothbrush.
  3. Now start to brush your teeth, in circular motions.
  4. once you are done brushing your teeth, grab a cup fill it with some water and used it to rinse your mouth.
  5. Now rinse your tooth brush.
  6. Place everything back in place.

How to shoot a jumpshot in Basketball

Step 1 hold the ball with your dominant hand over the ball.

Step 2 place your other hand on the other side of ball as a guide.

Step 3 keep your elbows squared and straight facing the basket.

Step 4 slightly bend your knees.

Step 5 jump up with your hands holding ball slightly above your head.

Step 6 release ball when your at the peak of your jump.

Step 7 land in the same spot where you jumped from.

Kevin Bayolima Six Step Process on making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

  1.  Have the materials needed to do this ready (2 slices of bread, dull knife, peanut butter,jelly)
  2. Put two slices of bread flat on the counter
  3. open lids of containers holding the peanut butter and jelly
  4. Use the knife and insert in peanut butter then spread on one of the slices of bread
  5. Clean the knife and do step 4 but with the jelly on the other slice of bread
  6. Take the two slices of bread with jelly and peanut butter and put them together so that the jelly comes in contact with the peanut butter.

Assignment #2 observation


Assignment #2 observation


The assignment number two was about the Expanded Definition of Scientific Term. I chose to do the term “Privacy”. I chose this term because was easy to find scholarly articles about it and because it relates a lot to my degree, which is Computer Systems. As always, scholarly articles are more difficult to find compare to regular ones like the ones from news agencies. But, overall it was a good experience because I learn a lot about the term privacy, the etymology of it, the different ways it is was used and the way it is used today, especially in technology.

Expanded definition Project Feedback

This assignment is coming is going good so far. Definitely having the learning outcomes sheet, helped a lot to clarify what were the expectations from the assignment. I had a difficult start but once I passed over the first two paragraphs it become more clear how to approach the target of the assignment and focus on the definition of the term.

Thoughts on Assignment 2

I believe the summary of the assignment was helpful, because it detailed what was expected of us, and it was clear what was needed to complete the assignment. I thought my topic was great because I love technology, and I am always eager to learn more about the history of gadgets.