Post Anything Here

I’m mortified. The instruction manual is due on Monday, and I still have not decided what to write about! Once I have the subject matter, I can run with it, so to speak. But until then, what do I do? I posted to Facebook for some ideas. Yes, I did! I just wanted to see if it would get the juices flowing. I feel a bit overwhelmed by the workload this semester, because a lot is riding on it. I must pass precalculus, because it’s the third time taking it, and it’s the one class preventing me from getting my associate’s degree. Then I have two classes that will not take late assignments–one, not at all, and the other will, but with grade point deductions. And my last class is my computer class, which I am falling behind on because I’ve prioritized the other three classes, and the programming isn’t my forte. So yes, this semester is a little nerve-racking.

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