Expanded Definition Feedback

Writing this assignment was more difficult than the first. The first assignment was a generalization of one long peer reviewed article so that one had a good flow to it. The hardest thing about it was keeping the work in the assigned amount of words. With the expanded definition it was a little more difficult to get started because of trying to keep the central theme of the word I chose and not what it means. I would think maybe it has more to do with the word I chose instead of the paper itself. Once I looked over the outline and started writing with these specific goals in mind then the paper started to piece itself together but prior to that I was a little concerned that I would not meet the word count requirement. The other major concern I had was keeping he focus of the word and not the meaning, connotations and examples of it in focus. I basically wanted to explain what the word was instead of stating its meaning, etymology and how it was used in the past vs in the present.

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