Midterm Approaches…

…and I’m kicking and screaming! I’M NOT READY!!! No, I’m not entirely ready for midterms because I’m doing fairly well in 2 classes, meaning, so far I’m not behind on any work. Then in Precalculus, this being my third attempt, having dropped the class twice before so it wouldn’t adversely affect my GPA, I am understanding the work a bit more than before, but not as much as I would like. My last class, which is a CST class, I am totally behind, one because it’s on Linux, and my forte is Windows, and two because I’ve been putting Precalculus, and the other classes ahead of this computer course, I don’t under the material yet. But I can’t tell the professor that!  I’ll have to tell him something that will convince him not to give up on me, and to at least give me a chance to catch up on the work. I can’t afford to fail the course.

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