Kevin Bayolima Short Story Response

I found both stories interesting as they dealt with science fiction and the sensitivity of time travel. Bradbury’s Sound of Thunder dealt with the use of time travel as a hunting activity. This has inspired films such as Back to the Future and the Butterfly Effect. I found this essential since Bradbury helped accomplish the theme of dystopian futures. It also showed us how sensitive time is as one alteration can impact the future immensely. Heinlein’s All You Zombies takes time travel in a different approach as the story shows us how time can be manipulated in a way to make sure events happen. Throughout the story we see little by little as all these characters are actually one in the same. I can see this story inspiring the movie the terminator as it uses time travel to make sure certain events happen. I believe these stories were the origins of the time travel genre and it fits with our class as the narrative is well told to the audience for them to clearly understand what is happening.

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