Jose Guerrero

The first story I read was “All you Zombies”. This story was confusing for me because I didn’t know where it was going. I was trying to understand why the character was referred to as he and then she. After reading the entire story it explained what was going on with the character and I began to understand more. I was still a little confused in the end, from what I understood Jane was the man who took her own baby and put it up for adoption. She was never able to find the man because it was herself and was nowhere to be found because she time traveled to get the baby. I was interested in the time traveling aspect and the paradox of how her life was affected by herself or himself in the end. I did not completely read the other story but I did like the science fiction aspect of how they time traveled to hunt dinosaurs. My favorite thing they spoke about was how a very small change could cause a ripple effect and could possibly change the entire future.

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