Isaac M. All your Zombies and The sound of Thunder

My name is Isaac Montiel, when I first started reading “All your Zombies”,  I had hard time to follow what was going on. Wrapping my head around the whole concept of time travel and paradoxes, and definitely the ending was completely unexpected. How it could be possible for someone to be his/her own parent and grandparent at the same time? . Nevertheless, the overall concept of the story was completely unique, it kept me reading.

The second story “The Sound of Thunder” was very interesting, again dealing with the idea of time traveling, and the consequences it could have if one gets to alter the past. It got me thinking how much it could be true and it could ever be possible to time travel, it would be a catastrophe and the world as we know it could come to an end.

Hope everyone enjoyed both stories as much as I did.

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