

One of the biggest services in New York is the Metro Transit Authority (MTA). The MTA consisting of train and bus transportation open to all in NYC; Thus being one of the biggest corporations in NY it will ultimately come with its drawbacks. As of 2019, there are an estimated 8.623 million people in NYC alone with majority of the people, even with cars, still using the MTA services. Whether in any of the boroughs the MTA services; Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, and Staten Island. According to the MTA site, a staggering average of 54,000 people rode the MTA within a five day work-week period in 2016 and As of 2019, there are an estimated 8.623 million people in NYC alone with the majority of the people, even with cars, still using the MTA services. 

In conclusion, we decided to created this site to be more user friendly source and convey our message from the analytical report to something a little more digestible to the audience.

The site follows through with the aspects of the MTA, seen either by clicking the tabs above or following the links provided below.

About the Team



Possible Solutions

Work Cited