English has always been my favorite and strongest subject. In the past few months of college, I realized the huge difference in High School English and college English. What I had vastly improved in my writing is the use of “transition”. In High School, I struggled with starting a new sentence without being repetitive. But now it is much easier to use transition words when I am quoting someone from an article. For example “However, John Doe suggested…” or “As a matter of fact, John Doe had.…”. With a strong transition to start a sentence makes the essay overall sound sharp. On the other hand, ending an essay is still a struggle for me. In college the conclusion should be a strong statement and then a supporting sentence. I still struggle with a strong conclusion. It is easy to start the conclusion, but ending it without making the conclusion longer than it should be is difficult. I am going to work on it and by the end of this semester, I’ll be able to end my conclusion very well. Furthermore, I love english. One thing out of hundreds that I adore the most, are writing book reports and research papers. Essays in general are very favored to me, I get to write as much as I want with my opinions. Book reports are very fun in my eyes, because I love reading, and then I get to share my thoughts about it. Also, research papers is when I learn many new information and I get to share it with everyone else around me. Overall I have learned many new things of writing techniques, and how to make a essay sound very intellectual. I am looking forward to seeing what else I will learn.
Thank you so much for thinking about your writing and the difference between college and high school English classes. I can tell you like to process your ideas through writing. This always comes through! Also, your enjoyment that comes from writing book reports, as you might have done in other classes, is enjoyment of reading, which is so important for writing. I hope you continue to love writing and take advantage of the literature and creative writing classes offered here at City Tech!