W3 Response

This is our discussion page about possible fascination project ideas. After you have uploaded your one-page single-spaced report on a potential fascination, respond in a comment below with a one paragraph summary of your idea and insights about it. Thank you!

15 thoughts on “W3 Response

  1. Emir Cokrlija

    My idea was to use my fascination with the Arduino microcontroller and turn it into an idea that I think would be great. The idea was to utilize the capabilities of the Arduino and create an electronic system that aids blind people with navigating the streets. I do not know yet how I would design the system or how it might look, mostly because there may be more than a few ways of doing it. Ideally, I would target big Tech corporations with a lot of investing capital as someone to whom I would present my idea. With the great benefit of helping a very specific group of people, I also believe the idea might end up being lucrative as well, for my investors and myself.

  2. tyannherve

    the greatest ideas i had for fascination project were in general environmental and social. The environment is really important, because we face about crisis. Earth is the only home we have to stay, because of the problems of pollution we need to take care of our ecosystem. I think it’s important to fight for the present and also for the future for the next generation. The second issue is ‘sexual equality’, I noticed women fight hard to get more place in the society. while they progress quickly, is really hard for them to reach the balance because is not accepted by the male gender. Most of those men are sexists and it’s one of the reasons that cause the divorce.

  3. Edward Castillo

    My idea for my fascination project is a service company with gym membership. Basically with this service, it will provide a point system, that will allow the person who is enrolled to get points every time she/he goes to the gym. If that person goes to the gym frequently and stacks up a certain amount of points. That person is able to redeem cash back or they can get a free 1 month gym subscription with no charge what so ever. This service is suppose to target young adults and college students, who are actively busy. With this service, it’s goal is to target them, and give them a healthy lifestyle while they are in enrolled in college.

  4. tyannherve

    ban domestic violence against man.
    In the domestic violence, men are the victims and women are the oppressors. Usually they humiliate the victims by using insults, screaming for nothing, harassment. Many men in the household are the victims of violence by their partner. Statistically more than 40% of domestic violence victims are male that means the problem is important. This scourge is still a taboo in the society. More women in the society use the psychological violence. This kind of violence is painful and destroy deeply the victim. The men who a victim is not taken seriously by the society or by the law. The male violence is not reported because of the shame. The victim lost his self-esteem, he is also kept away from his family or friend. The hardest one is they don’t talk to anybody their suffering. While they lost their dignity because they are men is important to make them confident to help them to overcome their difficulty.

  5. Tsz Liu

    Tourism has played a big part in Thailand. One of the famous attractions is elephant rides. Tourists want to experience being near an elephant and essentially riding them. However, elephants are not animals that are so easily tamed and would agree to walk for hours upon hours without throwing a tantrum. As a result, a tamed elephant meant an abused elephant. More over, since elephants are so hard to tame, elephant trainers target the young in a herd (separating it from its mother) and abuse them from a young age. There are just so many other places that treat elephant fair. It is better to support those places knowing that the elephants are treated with care.

  6. Lillian Jimenez

    Imagine an easy to use, easy to read, unbiased and non political, completely impartial service which gives information about people and voting info of the US government. This service will list by region of the US, from federal down to city councils. There will be no opinion, only verifiable fact involved. The content will be posted on a website. Unlike other political websites which tend to be complicated to maneuver and read through, the site should be easy to use and read for the general public as well as intruiging. Info will include voting dates, politicians running, their political history, their funding sources and any lobbying money they have taken. Hopefully it will operate a bit like Wikipedia which gets donations from the public. Perhaps the info on the site will be able to be edited by users but moderated before being published.

  7. Tahir

    My idea is about creating free energy. We already know how to create energy using wind turbine, hydraulic pressure, thermal, and solar panel. For all of these sources its pretty expensive to generate energy because they all requires a lot of space and different environment to generate. They also requires bulky equipment to generate energy. but if we need to generate free energy we should not need to worry about bulky equipment’s or huge space to install or specific environment. We need to think about how we can create something which requires less space and small equipment’s to install and will fit to every physical environment. So I come up with the new thought if we could install something like piezoelectric material floor on the doorstep, or sidewalk that generate electrical energy when stress or pressure is applied on it using footsteps and that energy is then stored in the batteries which is utilized to run any electric devises like lights, fans, escalator or power outlets to charge mobiles or any electrical devices.

  8. Ope

    My idea was to use my fascination, how there are no opportunities in the urban communities: The idea is for the city to give more opportunities in urban, distressed area. If people are not given opportunities, they will stray to paths that should not have been trecked. This idea is intended for the city to stop these other miscellaneous stuff like beautifying the city, and invest into something that can benefit people’s lives.

  9. Damali Lewis

    My idea for my fascination project is to inform people about the importance of helping others. Doing things for others shows that you care for the people around you and you want to help them succeed in life. I want to show people the benefits of helping others around them, whether the act is big or small. It doesn’t matter if the person is a stranger, family member, friend, colleague or neighbor. Helping others is not only good for the people who you are helping out, but it makes you happier too. It makes you also connect to others, it creates a stronger community and it helps build a happier society for everyone.

  10. Dennis

    For this fascination project, i decided to expand on one of my idea which is now decreasing the Increasing effect of global warming in Ohio. I choose to go with this idea because I felt that it will be interesting to go with an idea that revolves around a real-world problem. The idea of this topic is to reduce pollutants from new and existing factories by turning to clean and renewable energy sources. By introducing an existing technology such as solar energy that is one of the most efficient forms of renewable energy and turning Ohio’s factories and power plants to solar power would replace the carbon-intensive energy sources and it would significantly reduce global warming emissions.

  11. Khan

    In my project I will use Arduino or Raspberry Pie to build a project that will be able to control the home appliances wirelessly. I researched about this project. This is not too complicated. This project has a lot of potential. There are lots of opportunities to develop the idea. This project will help everyone by making their life easier and save energy. So I will try to convince my audience by informing them about the advantages of Home Automation.

  12. SMunoz

    For this fascination project, I decided to expand and implement safety awareness on our transit system via wireless communication. In this project I’ll be discussing the tangible benefits in cost reduction, communication efficiency, and problem solving. While the record of rail transit safety has been good with a few accidents occurring recently in our cities transit like the LIRR, Amtrak, and MTA. However, we cannot assume that serious emergency events will not take place in the future. Furthermore, safety systems implement a sense of awareness and safety. A review of experience reveals that many minor incidents could easily have developed into life-threatening events had they not been detected and dealt with in a timely and effective manner. In this project, I intend to demonstrate an Alarm Railway Safety System that can sense the presence of fire or smoke and generate a series of alarm driven notifications via SMS through wireless communication.

  13. Diku.sherpa

    My idea for my fascination project is be an entrepreneur. I always have interest in opening my own business. The benefit of being an entrepreneur means more freedom, more self-esteem, more time to spend with family.
    It needs to gain ability in planning, forecast, and observation. Though entrepreneurship can often require long hours, the benefit of building a business is that we are in charge of deciding when we want to work. Instead of the tedious 9-5 system, we will be able to have more independence and freedom.

  14. Ram

    This is our discussion page about possible fascination project ideas. After you have uploaded your one-page single-spaced report on a potential fascination, respond in a comment below with a one paragraph summary of your idea and insights about it. Thank you!

    So, my project is about opening up a tech center for everyone, I meant for who are graduated with computer degrees from overseas looking for a job but haven’t got one and also, who finished completing their degree on computer programming and software developer. We have effective trainers who can help our trainee as they go along the course. My project is to help people who are desperately looking for a job in computer related field. Currently, there are thousands of jobs opening in computer field but unfortunately, they need people, who can handle those sort of things. And yes, whoever is enrolled in our program definitely will be successful in future.

  15. king

    I chose this project, because I think it will benefit me (myself) and a lot of other people, being able to create an app that will help people around the globe to be able to communicate easily, especially when they speak different language. At first, it was hard for me to think about what project to write about in this class, it took me weeks after weeks to figure out what kinds of project to write about, but after being able to do some researchers, I decide to do a project about an app that will be able to help people around the globe to communicate easily. I think this app will be very interesting, because I think not only people around the world will enjoy, but businesses will be able to communicate better and understand each other better. Usually, two different businesses in different countries that will want to trade things, but sometimes language may be an issue, meaning both of them may need to hire a translator in order to communicate, but With the help of this app it will be able to save them both some cash.


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