Your ENG 1101-LC05 Experience

Your Thoughts on ENG 1101-LC05

You have now entered the 1/3 mark of the course. What has been your experience in this class so far? Is it what you thought it would be? How do you feel about your performance so far?


Write two paragraphs in response to your thoughts about the class so far.


This is class discussion work for our online course. Please post your response as a comment. These are due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. during the Week they are assigned, making this one is due 10/4/20. A complete response is worth up to 15 points.

18 thoughts on “Your ENG 1101-LC05 Experience

  1. Gissell

    Thinking about the fact that I have a writing class in college from my first semester was really horrifying to me. I knew that the teacher was going to be asking a lot from all of us and I was just afraid. I was right, It was really challenging coming from not writing too much to suddenly having loads of paragraphs to write about. What made it challenging was the fact that we had to write about ourselves most of the time. There is nothing more challenging than unlocking your inner thoughts, well at least for me.

    I feel like My effectiveness in this class has been very low. Mainly because I do admit that I struggle with English the most and I don’t really like it. However, I do know that English plays a very important role in everyone’s future, I’ll need it for whatever I do.

  2. Susan Look

    Honestly, I find this class to be extremely hard because I am constantly struggling between work and school. This is why I am so behind in this class. I constantly feel rushed to catch up on all the late work that I am missing. I enjoy learning the content that you give us, but I do not enjoy how long they are or how much time they take me to finish the assignment. This class is stressful to keep up with the work and I find it hard to manage my time between six of my class and work.
    I know I have not been doing so well in this class but I am trying my best to finish the assignments even if they are really late. I have made the effort to cut back from work recently which is why I have more time to catch up on the other classes that I am not doing so well in. I want to pass this class because I do care about school. I am trying my best to catch up on all the late assignments. I just need more time throughout my week to do so.

  3. Mar Tenesaca

    I am being truly honest, this experience has been a lot of work. I have never written so much in a full school year compared to how much I have already written in this class and we are only 1/3 into the semester. From the beginning I knew that there would be a lot of writing, but truthfully, this is more writing than I thought it would be. I have definitely learned that this class requires me to stay very much on top of my assignments. I have never used a planner as much as I have this year and most of it is for me to stay on track of the assignments I have to hand in for this class. The main difference between this English class and any other English class I have had in the past is the way that we have to do work. We are told a topic, the question or prompt, but the way it is written and how it is written is up to us. This has been a change from being told exactly how to write a paper to doing it on my own. The assignments we get here also require us to properly use critical thinking, which I now have learned is more than just summarizing a text, but also making connections to my life.
    As for my performance, I would say I am doing fairly well. I have done my assignments on time, and am learning how to space them out so that I don’t end up piling my work so that it does not get done. When it comes to my writing, I will say that I could do better. I still have a little bit of a hard time writing out more of my opinion and my view of things. I have been used to writing out more facts and summaries all these years instead of my own thoughts and opinions. That is something that I can improve on when it comes to my writing. My overall performance has been good, but if I keep working like I have up until this point, I can do better.

  4. Mar Tenesaca

    If I am being truly honest, this experience has been a lot of work. I have never written so much in a full school year compared to how much I have already written in this class and we are only 1/3 into the semester. From the beginning I knew that there would be a lot of writing, but truthfully, this is more writing than I thought it would be. egbketbjog bo

  5. Mar Tenesaca

    If I am being truly honest, this experience has been a lot of work. I have never written so much in a full school year compared to how much I have already written in this class and we are only 1/3 into the semester. From the beginning I knew that there would be a lot of writing, but truthfully, this is more writing than I thought it would be. egbketbjog bo

  6. Darimari

    Before beginning this class, I would tell myself that I will do great in this class, I will turn in all my assignments on time, and I would participate all the time. It’s crazy that we are now 1/3 into the semester and honestly I don’t know how to feel. I slacked in the beginning because I didn’t do some assignments but now I’m getting back on track and I feel good. Although the work is pretty easy and sometimes hard, I am lazy to do it and I procrastinate a lot. I enjoy the different readings but I don’t like writing the paragraphs on the readings because they are long. Also I did not enjoy writing the 40 paragraphs because it took up a lot of my time. I felt like I did not have any free time and I was just stuck thinking on what else to write to complete the entire 40 paragraphs. I have never wrote that many paragraphs before so it was something new for me. Also, so far in this class I have been feeling stressed out because there is always an assignment due and I can never relax because I have other work to do. I try to do as much as I can so that I won’t be behind in this class.
    When it comes to writing, I’m not so good at it and growing up writing was something I wasn’t great at. In this class we have been writing a lot and I don’t really enjoy it. I try to do the best to my ability so I can pass this class. I also try to participate but I get distracted since its online. Overall, I’m glad I have been learning new things in this class.

    1. Patrick Corbett Post author
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      NOTE: Private response is visible only to instructors and to the post’s author.

  7. ZiYu

    Before I started college, I was passionate and excited to go into a new environment to learn and grow. However, reality hits me fast after several week into college I noticed myself falling behind quickly. I am a very sensitive person; I feel like the state of my emotion can affect how my decision making. During the past few weeks either it is the things that have been happening around me, or this whole virtual learning experience is just not the thing for me, it makes me coitizing my readiness for college. I think I can really relate to the previous reading “Why do Good Student Do Bad in College? “ , I definitely would not characterize my self as a good student, but things mentioned in this article is very relatable. I am really used to learning straight forward, the teacher gives me a question I answer it and we review it together. I am working hard right now to clear up my mind and focus back on classes despite the difficulty with virtual learning.
    As for this class I am very disappointed in myself, I have not been catching up with all the work given to me. I need to work on staying on task and not get distracted, its just been a hard environment for me to learn in. I am slowly getting back on track not only for this class but every class. I think for me to succeed in the future I also need to be capable of reading long articles even if the articles are not interesting to me. Going into this class I expected the workload to be heavy and this is not going to be a easy class. Even though in the beginning my writings were talking about how I am excited and ready for this class, it is always easy to say than actually do something, so when I actually gets my hand on these assignments I was struggling. Going forward I hope I can adjust myself and adapt to this learning format.

  8. Temia Collymore Sandiford

    Growing up, English has always been my least favorite class. When I realized that I was required to take an English class, I was unhappy. I never favored writing essays and I’ve always struggled writing them. The discussion questions were easy but eventually text became more difficult. The questions take more time because they involve more thought. However, for the essays, they are comprehensive but take more than just a week for me to do. I’ve always been slow when it comes to the writing process because I am scared of writing the wrong thing or receiving a low grade. Although I’ve had those issues in English, I haven’t ever failed a class. It would tear me apart to know I have reached this far to have failed a class.

    As for my performance, I haven’t been on point with some things but I try. I’m a person who always tries multiple attempts before I ask for help, but I’m never afraid to find the help I need. I believe that my performance in certain sections are okay, but as for essays, I believe I will forever struggle. I am not a good writer and I use most of my time trying to perfect my work as I go along. I know I have in me to better than this. I’m proud that I made it this far. It hasn’t been easy but I still manage to keep going and ask questions when needed.

  9. Sofia

    I can’t believe that we are already 1/3 into the semester time flies so fast that you don’t feel it. When I found out that I was going to have an English, I was not excited for this course because, in high school, my teachers would say that college English it is going to be more intense and that the teachers are going to give you so much homework your not going to be able to sleep. My cousin, who just graduated in May, said that English would be a challenging class because they aren’t going to care about you and give tons of homework. I remember when I first took a look at the syllabus for this course before class started, and I began to feel so overwhelmed. I just saw how much work that had to get done and that I had another four classes to take, and in October, I was taking another one. I felt like I wasn’t going to be able to handle it and be stressed plus have mental breakdowns. Although I kept telling myself that it is going to be okay and that I have to wait until I get to meet my professor, then I should make my judgment afterward.
    So far, my experience in this course is not as bad as I thought it would be because some assignments are complicated since the readings are more complex and harder to analyze. It has been challenging because this is something different than being in high school. It is a whole new environment and another way of doing things in college that I need to adapt myself. So far, I think it is what I thought it was going to be because I am stressed out since I have assignments for every class, but I get a break here and there where I can relax and have a breather. I feel like so far, at least in this course, my performance in this course is doing very well. I expected my grade to be low or at least an average grade because I am not good at English. I thought I wasn’t going to manage myself and handle many assignments that I get. Also, I was worried that if I submitted an assignment, it would not meet all the expectations on an assignment and do poorly.

  10. milly escobar

    When I first found out about this class I was honestly nervous because something that was always mentioned while being in high school is that college writing is really intense. I remember looking at the syllabus and it was kind of nerve wrecking because there’s a lot of work that gets done during one semester. Personally in my experience I feel like its okay, like its not the easiest but it could be worse. I feel like the material can sometimes be hard in the class because some readings are difficult to comprehend in one go and also because of the fact that the readings are so long. Its hard because its a whole different school environment so when it comes to submitting my assignments I tend to overthink if my work reaches the qualifications for a good grade. I think so far this class is exactly what I thought it would be because there are times were we have our hands full but there are also calmer days which is always great. It’s a good experience but at the same time it can be stressful.
    So far Im proud of myself because I’ve made it 1/3 into the semester and if you would have asked me if i thought I could do that a year ago I would have said no. The thought of college scared me but I have faced the fear and started the experience which will improve my future. When talking about my performances I feel like I’ve been doing good so far, there are days where things may pile up but I am slowly adapting to better time management skills. There are also times where I doubt my assignments because I tend to have the mentality where I think that my work is less than(weak) what it is, I don’t always feel confident with the work I hand in but i’m slowly working on that. Overall I feel like my performance has been good and I’ve always stayed consistent when it came to my education. 1/3 of the semester went by and i’m proud of the student i am today and hope to better my self on a daily in order to succeed.

    1. Patrick Corbett Post author
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      NOTE: Private response is visible only to instructors and to the post’s author.

  11. Jadira Bermudez

    Seeing that I had a writing class on my schedule I wasn’t very excited. I knew that this class was going to be the hardest class for me and now taking the class my assumptions were right. Having taken this class for about more than a month I can say that I have a love and hate for the class. I love the class because the structure of the class is great and everything is clear so I never get lost in an assignment or having to sit and wonder what exactly my professor is trying to say to me and I’m happy for that because it makes the work easier to understand. I do feel like my experience hasn’t been as good as I wanted to be because I haven’t been able to fully participate and actually understand the readings and assignments given to me because of certain personal circumstances that have been thrown my way during the beginning of the course. I do feel that if I had more time to sit down and put my all into the class my experience would be a lot better and I hope by the middle of the course I’ll be able to do that.

    As of my performance in the course so far I would say needs a lot of work so that I’m actually able to get something out of the class at the end because as of right now I’m in space where I just need to get my work done and submit it for a grade and not actually taking an assignment and deep reading and trying to connect myself to it for a better understanding of the assignments as a whole. I feel like the work that I have been handing in can be a lot better because I know the potential I have and I’m hoping with more work and practice that I’ll be able to show it through my work not only to my classmates but to my professor. If I’m being honest I do feel like I was prepared for a class like this because there are many things that I haven’t done and perfected which is making it hard for me to complete the task and assignment at hand which has been making it very hard for me. Even though it is hard I kind of look forward to the zoom meeting because the environment within the zoom calls aren’t like the rest of my classes and it feels more comfortable for me. I don’t feel shy or feel like I’ll be judged on my questions and answers and that is why I have my love and hate relationship with the course.

  12. Dayneanda

    My experience in this class has been quite great and alittle intense. The class is straight forward to get stuff done once your focus and manage your time well. The last assignments teached me that l should put myself on a schedule to make sure I do the assignments well and turn them in on time. After these assignments, I feel that I am getting comfortable to write more free and not be scared of my writing abilities.
    My performance has been well because I never thought I would be able to write and type so fast in my life. I am surprised that I am not being lazy on reading full articles because its actually interesting and I learn a lot from reading them. I feel my performance is getting better because I have learned that writing is not just about professionalism but being open minded as well. This course is exactly what I thought it would be before I started college. The course is definitely based on how you view it as and what you can accomplish from it. English course is exactly how I envisioned it to be but feels strange to be going through it. I am very pleased to be in this course because it helps me to be outside of my comfort zone by training my labour and writing skills for the better.

  13. Cristina Simeon

    My experience in this class is exciting and stressful. As the weeks passed, Assignments and projects became more intense, so it takes time to complete, also I had started classes with easy homework that did not take me long to do. The classes have kept me working on my skills and abilities, so I feel like I can do more to improve my skills, and finally improve my writing.
    Now, I have learned to manage my time, so that I can get my homework done on time. It has been different to take classes online, but I think it is the healthiest option for everyone. The first classes, that I had with the teacher and classmates were unique, because I know them through the screen.
    It was definitely not what I thought in this first year, it was totally unusual. As for virtual English classes, it is new for me to receive classes online, therefore I am trying to connect to my classmates and professor but I am shy. My academic performance has been improving with time and pressure. I have learned a lot during this month that I have been at CityTech. Finally, my skills in writing will be better when classes done, but I’ll keep working on it.

  14. Abigail Salazar

    Honestly I have a love and hate relationship with this class. I enjoy the reading you give us, I just hate how long they are. I really like the fact that you have us typing notes into the all of the readings it is very useful. This class has made me type a 40 paragraph essay that I dont think ive ever done in my life and i’m really liking it. As long as i’m doing my work ahead I don’t feel as stressed as how I thought I would. I thought I would have slacked by now and not handed in anything on time. I thought in a way you would be more strict about hanging in your work. It really helps giving us a bit more time on the DQs. Another thing is that the readings for me have been a bit difficult, I think it’s just because its long reading nothing to compare to high school.
    I don’t know how my performance is going. So far im proud on how fast im able to type words fast. I enjoy seeing that I am able to actually read a full text and typing notes and I learned it is important to not just skim around, to fully read the text. I believe I am doing good in my writing but at the same time I hesitate to the point that I doubt about my response every time I submit my work. I feel like I can do so much better if I wasn’t as shy as I am, thinking its a silly question to ask you. Overall I enjoy the challenge you give us and to having us read a lot. I do strongly believe my writing has improved, the critical thinking article helped.


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