Access to On-Campus Lab Computers and WiFi

For in-class sessions you need access to the labs PCs or bring your own device. Below you will find instructions for both scenarios. It is strongly encouraged that you bring your own device in case of technical difficulties.

In order to gain access to the labs computers on-campus please follow the steps in the following tutorial:

If you bring your own laptop, you need to connect to the College’s WiFi. Please follow these steps once you are in the building:

How to Submit Labs on Blackboard

In this tutorial I will show you how to submit labs for students using Linux Mint and for students using Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Students using Virtual Box

If you are using Virtual Box with say Linux Mint, by default your script files will be in your home directory. I strongly encourage you to create a subdirectory emt2390l to organize your labs better. To create it follow these steps:

  • cd ~
  • mkdir emt2390l

For the next steps I will assume you have a directory emt2390l in your home directory. Once you have it it will be easy to navigate to it using the File Explorer. It should look like the image below:

To submit your script file(s), login to Blackboard, then navigate to the Labs link on the left hand side of the screen as shown in the image below:

After that you will see the different labs available. Select the lab that you want to submit by clicking its name. In this example we will use Labs Prep as shown below:

The next step is to find the files in your computer. For that click the button Browse My Computer  to open the File Explorer.

Once you click the Browse My Computer button, the File Explorer will open. Browse to the location of your script file, select the file and click Open as shown in the next image.

Once you select the file and click Open, go to the bottom of the page on Blackboard until you find the button Submit. Click on it as show in the next image.

Students using Windows Subsystem for Linux

If you are using Windows Subsystem for Linux, finding files can be tricky. One way to accomplish it is by using the command explorer.exe followed by a . (dot) like this:

explorer.exe .

That will open the current path but in the Windows File Explorer. However the path to your home directory can be complicated to remember. Therefore I suggest you to create a folder in the C drive and call it emt2390l (no spaces). The path to that folder is therefore:


That will facilitate navigation significantly as I will show you next. Once the folder is created launch bash on Windows 10. By default your current directory will be you home directory. We want to change to the emt2390l instead. To accomplish that execute the following command:

cd /mnt/c/emt2390l

You can see an image of the command here:

Write your scripts in this directory and you will notice that they will also be available in C:\emt2390l in the Windows Explorer, as shown in this image:

Now to submit labs just follows the steps indicated in the beginning of this tutorial to find the script files and submit.