Project 2, Structure

During today’s class, you will have some time to continue transforming your think piece essay into a speakable script for your podcast. Instructions are included below from the assignment sheet.

Structure: Create a new document and copy-and-paste your think piece into it. During class, we will work together to turn your essay into a podcast script. Key components to add: an introduction for yourself, your podcast series, and your podcast episode; pauses and bridges; and an outro to close your podcast episode. All references need to be incorporated into what you say. Background or bridge music is encouraged, but not required due to the limitations of time. If you choose to use music, it must be music that you own or have the rights to (such as OpenMusic,, Free Music Archive,, or Creative Commons Search, but note license terms, and issues of fair use, (in-class on Feb. 25)

Using your script, you will record your podcast speech and save any sound effects or background music that you might want to use. Bring these things to class on Tuesday. Have all of this easily accessible from your flash drive/email/cloud-based storage so that we can work on these during class. If you want to work ahead, please do so. During class, you can fine tune your own work or help others in class.

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