Project 2, Planning

Copy-and-paste your planning memo into a comment made to this blog post. We will continue with the podcast project during class today when we listen to samples of your think piece recordings.

4 thoughts on “Project 2, Planning

  1. Christopher Navarrete

    To: Professor Ellis
    From: Christopher Navarrete
    Date: 2/23/2016
    Subject: Project 2 Planning

    The first series pitch would focus on video game issues around the world. Its target audience would consist of those who already know or are interested in learning about the video games that would be discussed. The first episode will go into detail of the origins of the ESRB and the controversies they have dealt with. It would later talk about the effects the ESRB had on video games and the video game industry as a whole. Finally, the title of this series pitch would be “Global Gaming” or “Worldwide Gaming” as it would potentially discuss video games issues outside the United States.

    The second series pitch would also focus on video game issues but it would be about issues that only occur inside the United States. Video game culture would be another main topic as well. Also, unlike the first pitch, its target audience would be individuals who are not familiar with video games as this podcast would be more descriptive of the video games that will be discussed. The first episode could be about how violent video games became so controversial and the effects that it had on the gaming culture. The title of this Podcast could be “Culture Gaming,” “Video Game Culture,” or “Culture Shock Gaming.”

  2. George Gordon

    To: Jason W. Ellis
    From: George Gordon
    Date: February 22, 2016
    Subject: Project 2, Planning
    Pitch 1:
    Title: Digital Autopsy
    Description: This podcast would focus on issues that are surrounding the web. The aim would be to bring awareness to the issues discussed and ideally, have something be done regarding the issue. Episodes can range from advertisements/sponsored content, digital rights, the dark web, net neutrality, etc. The target audience would be general, either those who already know about these issues to those who want to learn about them.
    Pitch 2:
    Title: The Daily Tube
    Description: This podcast will focus on YouTube and its culture. Mainly would consist of episodes that revolve on different aspects of YouTube, its creators, the website itself, its community, the drastic changes over the years, etc. Episodes could include those on big and small YouTubers alike, say PewDiePie and a growing channel such as Space Chicken, perhaps showcasing a channel every episode. Other episode ideas could revolve around the Content ID System, the Google takeover, discussing the history, such as their initial social media type accounts. The target audience would be those who frequent YouTube and want to know more the site and those on it.
    I would decide to work on Digital Autopsy as it would allow for a way to discuss about various issues, instead of narrowing the pool to a sole focus on a single website. I feel like it would allow for a better transition into the topic of YouTube which I chose to do my think piece on.

  3. Rownak

    To: Professor Ellis
    From: Rownak Choudhury
    Date: 2/23/2016
    Subject: Project 2 Planning

    The first series pitch would focus on the basics of how a computer is worked and the programs one would normally include. Its target audience would consist of those who already know or are interested in learning about the usage of pc’s. The first episode will not go into depth about the ways that each program operates, but instead what it CAN be used for. It would later talk about the benefits one would have to learning more on the usage of computers throughout the life of the podcast. Finally, the title of this series pitch would be “Intro to learning about computers” or “Computers for intermediate Users” as it would have to be as specific as possible for users looking online for this type of technical help.

    The second series pitch would focus on issues dealing with the incompetency of people in the workforce. The target audience would be people who are knowledgeable on the usage of computers and may have relatives and/or people they may know who would require this help. The effects and example would be given in a serious tone for urgency. The title of this Podcast could be “What does your mom need to know about computers?” or “The People Around You”.

    I have decided to pursue the first one because it is a more useful way of approaching my topic. It would be beneficial directly to my audience.

  4. AshleyA

    To: Professor Ellis
    From: Ashley Dunlap
    Date: 2/23/2016
    Subject: Project 2 Planning

    The first series pitch would focus on examples of cultural appropriation and the responses in the media.
    The target audience is African Americans, as that is the main focus of my research. The goal of the first episode is to bring a light but serious tone to the issue of appropriation. The title of this first episode would be “Give Credit to Get Credit”. The decision behind this is to keep the title slightly ambiguous before approaching such a heavy topic.
    The second series pitch would focus on the voice of the people and understanding why cultural appropriation has become such an issue. The goal is to bring a personal touch to the piece and shed some light on a highly dismissed point of view. The title of this podcast would be “Let Me Speak”.

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