Beginning of Class Writing: Jones and Haffner, Understanding Digital Literacies, Chapter 2

During the first ten minutes of class, create a new document in your word processor of choice, and format it as a memo with the subject taken from the title of this blog post. In the memo’s body, write a summary of your reading from chapter two from Understanding Digital Literacies. Save your work and copy-and-paste it into a comment to this blog post. Afterwards, we will discuss the reading in greater depth.

4 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: Jones and Haffner, Understanding Digital Literacies, Chapter 2

  1. George Gordon

    To: Jason W. Ellis
    From: George Gordon
    Date: February 18, 2016
    Subject: Understanding Digital Literacies, Chapter 2

    In this chapter, the concept of information is discussed and the idea of their being too much available today. It is broken down into data, knowledge, and information with each serving a purpose. Information is all around us with data being the specific details and knowledge being the way we process and apply information into a meaningful way.

    However, it is true that there is a significant amount of information available to us today and creating a format in which to efficiently access it and organize it is the problem. This is was one of the key reasons we had libraries, as these places allowed us to simply retrieve information we needed from an organized system. I think to how I am reading this book, through a kindle that allows me to directly the sources brought up in the book through links, something that would need a secondary device to do with a traditional book.

    A common system being of the hierarchical type, however, this system clashed with the way in which we think. Today, with the creation of search engines on the web, we can have a much more tailored experience with organizing and retrieving information even if it is still not perfect, with algorithms having become a central part of search engines.

  2. Christopher Navarrete

    To: Professor Ellis
    From: Christopher Navarrete
    Date: 2/18/2016
    Subject: Understanding Digital Literacies, Chapter 2

    This chapter discusses the concepts of information and data. Both terms are usually thought to be the same, however according to the author, “data are ‘facts’ (including sights, sounds, colors, word) which exist in the external world, these ‘facts’ only become information when we create some kind of relationship with them.” For example, data can be signs on the sidewalk; information is then created from these signs by using it to connect to the data on a map.

    After information has been integrated into our minds, knowledge is created. However it is done so “in a way that we are able to adapt it to different circumstances and apply it to analyzing and solving problems.”

  3. Rownak

    To: Jason W. Ellis
    From: Rownak Choudhury
    Date: February 18, 2016
    Subject: Understanding Digital Literacies, Chapter 2
    Chapter 2- Information Everywhere

    Data, knowledge, and information are three key concepts that I am learning about in all of my classes this semester. Apart from just this book, there are also many different sources where I can gather my thoughts from. It was peculiar to me that this chapter actually provided a clearer understanding of how to make sense of the three. Often times it is easy to confuse data with information and end up with too much on your plate to work with. Information is what makes sense to us in practical usage OUT of the data presented to us.

    New Media helps us to organize the data presented to us so that we can pinpoint the information necessary to us out of it all. Through tags and links, we can categorize things to our benefit. We must always remain aware of what is being presented to us, however. What is the purpose of the data being presented to us? What does this data link to? (Culturally, socially, etc.)

  4. AshleyA

    To: Professor Ellis
    From : Ashley A. Dunlap
    Subject: Understanding Digital Literacies, Chapter 2

    The main focus of chapter two is understanding information and data and the role both play in new media. Information is everywhere and there are specific systems placed to organize and regulate how it is received.
    There is a distinction that is made between data and information. Data is found and information is created. Things such as tagging ad algorithms help categorize the immense amounts of data that is available.

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