Lecture, Week 9

Instruction Manual Project

This week, you will want to reply all to the email that I send to each team for peer review of your instruction manuals. Pay attention to the names in your email, because I have reassigned some students to different teams due to some teams losing members. If you see a new name in your team, please welcome that person, and if you are a new member to a team, please introduce yourself to your new teammates.

As discussed in today’s lecture, here is an example of an instruction manual for your final layout before circulating in peer review.

Collaborative, Team-Based Project

While we are wrapping up your individual Instruction Manual projects, we are going to begin working on your Collaborative, Team-Based Project so that you have as much time as possible to complete this important set of interconnected assignments that will carry us to the end of the semester.

Below, I have mapped out the Collaborative, Team-Based Project diagrammatically.

The Collaborative, Team-Based Project is comprised of these assignments:

  • Collaborative: 4000-6000-Word Analytical Research Report, 15%
    • Each team member contributes 1000-1500-word contribution to a 4000-6000-word analytical research report on a scientific or technological problem that demonstrates: 1) knowledge of the history and context of the problem, 2) knowledge of the causes and nature of the problem, 3) ideas for solving the problem, 4) the ability to explain the problem and offer possible solutions to a general audience, 5) the ability to integrate written work with the written work of a partner or partners in a coherent report, and 6) knowledge of proper research report format. At least six library-sourced citations must be included (non-library-sourced citations are encouraged, but they do not count toward the six library-sourced sources). Any outside sources cited should be documented according to APA format.
  • Collaborative: Seven-to-Ten-Minute Oral Analytical Research Report on a Scientific or Technological Problem, 10%
    • The goal of this part of the project is to transform your written report into an spoken presentation anchored by a PowerPoint or other visual presentation supplement. As a team, adapt and present your analytical research report as an oral presentation that demonstrates: 1) knowledge of oral presentation techniques and conventions, 2) the ability to organize a presentation effectively, 3) the ability to incorporate various media into the presentation, including appropriate computer software, 4) awareness of audience, 5) the ability to communicate the value of the product or service in clear spoken English, 6) the ability to answer audience questions, 7) the ability to collaborate productively with a partner or partners, and 8) the ability to explain the problem and offer possible solutions to a general audience.
  • Collaborative: Website Advertising a Product or Service Responding to the Analytical Research Report and Oral Presentation, 10%
    • The goal of this part of the collaborative project is to imagine a service or product that your team can offer that is related to your research report and oral presentation, both of which will be featured on the website in some way. The website should demonstrate: 1) knowledge of the product or service offered, of pertinent market forces, and of the potential customer base, 2) basic knowledge of web page design and composition, including appropriate software. The website will be based on your presentation and it is encouraged to be integrated into your presentation (perhaps to demonstrate how your team is promoting your product or service). All graphics, logos, design, and text must be created by your team.
  • Individual: 250-500-Word Reflection on Collaboration, 5%
    • At the end of the collaborative project, each student will have an opportunity to submit their own 250-500-word Reflection on Collaboration directly to Prof. Ellis via email. This document should include a discussion of challenges faced and overcome (or not) by the team, their contribution to the project, and the contribution of their teammates to the project. The instructor will consider these documents when assigning grades on the collaborative project.

The main part of the collaborative project is the research report. It anchors everything else. It should be completed first and adapted or transformed for use in the other deliverables: the website and the presentation. The report, website, and presentation will be submitted on our OpenLab Course Site. You will find the work done on earlier projects, such as article summarization, defining terms, and using proper citation formats, will all be in play on this project.

Each team member should keep a log in their notebook about the work that they contribute to the project as well as their observations about other team members’ contributions. These notes will inform an individual report that each team member will submit directly to Prof. Ellis via email as the Reflection on Collaboration.

Think of each of the following projects as part of an interconnected larger project. Each team member should contribute to each part, but individual team members may take the lead on one part versus the others depending on their skill set and interests. For example, one team member may take the lead on the research report and collect contributions from the other team members for the first draft, and another team member may take the lead on the presentation or the website.

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 9

For this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment, I would like you to brainstorm some possible scientific or technical problems that you can discuss with your team. Specifically, I would like you to focus on scientific or technical problems related to your major and career goals. Perhaps it will involve problems relating to computing hardware or software, networking, electrical engineering challenges, applications of computing and networking to other real world problems (such as, smart power grids, driverless cars, Bitcoin energy use, etc.). There are many, many problems out there for you to think about, discuss, and choose among for your team’s project.

So, the Weekly Writing Assignment is to write at least 250-words in a memo format addressed to Prof. Ellis with the subject, “Team Project Brainstorming,” and discussing three possible technical or scientific problems relating in some way to your major and career goals. For each problem, clearly state what the problem is, who or what industry it affects, and some of your own thoughts about how the problem might be solvable. After you’ve written this memo, copy-and-paste it into a comment on this blog post AND circulate it via email (reply all) to the email that I will send to each team for peer review (on the Instruction Manual project).

Extra Credit: Literary Arts Festival

If you’d like to earn extra credit to apply toward a Weekly Writing Assignment or points to another assignment as needed, you can attend the Literary Arts Festival next week, write at least 250 words describing your experience of the event (naming the people you listened to, what you learned and liked, etc.), and email your event write-up to me at jellis at citytech.cuny.edu.

To attend the event, you will need to register at this website in advance to receive the Zoom Webinar link.

Mohammad Amin’s Expanded Definition of Cyber Security.

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis
FROM: Mohammad Amin
DATE: Due Date
SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Cyber Security
I going to discuss abut cyber security. I’m defining cybersecurity term. I’m going to give definition and quotation to explain this term. In the following document I’m going to discuss definition and provide quotes. And finally, I’ll explain all of this in working definition in my own words.     
The state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this:  some people have argued that the threat to cybersecurity has been somewhat inflated.
This definition means to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing electronic data and to protect all data from attacks by unauthorized persons.
Cybersecurity changes over time and these changes are different with a more complete understanding of cybersecurity self-efficacy and engagement trends.
This definition means, The type of cyber-attack changes over time so the type of cyber security also has to change. To protect against cyber-attacks, cyber security has to be modified and improved day by day. In order to increase their cybersecurity level in their own place.
Similar: The two definitions are to take appropriate action to prevent the theft of any information or the use of any information without permission. And cyber security needs to be updated over time. And ensure cyber security.
The first definition protects against criminal or unauthorized use of electronic information, and the second deals with changes in deals and the self-efficacy of cybersecurity over time.

With the advent of electronic voting, some cybersecurity experts worry elections can too easily be rigged. Here Electoral System Electronics Cyber security experts fear that the polls could be rigged easily. I have found this context quote on this Book call Cybersecurity.
“The existing cyber-side and physical-side security defense systems are relatively isolated. For cyber-attacks, the main approaches to situation awareness and defense are executed at the cyber side, whereas the physical side has not been actively involved in these efforts. In many circumstances, state information of the physical side of the system can assist in the identification and traceback of cyber-attacks. The measures at the physical side can help prevent or reduce the risk caused by cyber-attacks.” This quote means Cyber ​​protection It cannot be physically provided. It has to be defended online to protect against online attacks. Situation awareness is implemented on the defensive side which can help in overall cyber security information cyber-attack detection and identification. Physical state information can help in the detection and identification of cyber-attacks. Physical measures help prevent or reduce the risks posed by cyber-attacks. I have found this quote from “Concept and Research Framework for Coordinated Situation Awareness and Active Defense of Cyber-Physical Power Systems against Cyber-Attacks,” 

Similar: In both cases there is a complete lack of cyber security where there is a lot of risk involved
Electronic voting has been mentioned in the first conflict where experts fear that if cyber security is not increased here, then the results of electronic voting may change. There is talk of rigging here
In the second conflict, it was stated that cyber security’s defense system should be physically and informally aware of cyber-attacks so that they do not undergo cyber-attacks in any process. Helps to reduce the risk caused.

Working definition

Cyber ​​security is the act of preventing someone from stealing a document or misrepresenting information online without someone’s permission. Taking any information from the file without permission is called cyber-attack. And cybersecurity is about preventing anyone from taking information without permission.

L. C. Amo, R. Liao, E. Frank, H. R. Rao and S. Upadhyaya, “Cybersecurity Interventions for Teens: Two Time-Based Approaches,” in IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 134-140, May 2019, doi: 10.1109/TE.2018.2877182.
Higgins, Melissa, and Michael Regan. Cybersecurity, ABDO Publishing Company, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/citytech-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5262186.
Created from citytech-ebooks on 2021-03-09 12:24:53.
Cite: M. Ni, M. Li, J. Li, Y. Wu and Q. Wang, “Concept and Research Framework for Coordinated Situation Awareness and Active Defense of Cyber-Physical Power Systems against Cyber-Attacks,” in Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, doi: 10.35833/MPCE.2018.000830.

Expanded Definition of Artificial Intelligence

Expanded Definition of Artificial Intelligence

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM: Neil Domingo

DATE: 3/30/21

SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Artificial Intelligence


The purpose of this document is to further explore and define the term Artificial Intelligence. The term would be discussed by expanding the general definition of Artificial Intelligence. First, this document will define the term with its definitions. Then, this document will provide context for the given definitions. Lastly, this document will provide a working definition of the term of Artificial Intelligence. 


Artificial Intelligence is defined by Britannica as “the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings” [1]. This definition is a simple definition best for those that are unaware of what the term means. the definition given by Britannica, defines Artificial Intelligence simply as a “computer” or “robot” that performs tasks associated with “intelligent beings”. This definition is associated with systems that are embedded with “intellectual processes” with characteristics of humans. These characteristics include “ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize or learn from past experiences”. [1] Another definition that is similar to the Britannica definition of Artificial Intelligence is given in an article entitled Artificial intelligence-definition and practice.  The article defines Artificial Intelligence as “The term artificial intelligence denotes behavior of a machine which, if a human behaves in the same way, is considered intelligent” [2]. In this definition, a system, computer, or robot would be considered as a machine. Then, the definition states that the machine would display a behavior that is considered “intelligent”. It is only considered intelligent if it behaves in the same way as a human. There is another definition that is similar to the two given. A journal article entitled, Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning: definitions and differences, refers Artificial Intelligence “to a field of computer science dedicated to the creation of systems performing tasks that usually require human intelligence” [3]. This given definition is similar to the others as it discusses systems and human intelligence. Systems are considered as machines or computers act in a way of a human. 

Human intelligence refers to a “mental quality that consists of the abilities to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate one’s environment” [4].  All three definitions of Artificial Intelligence given are all similar as they define Artificial Intelligence as a machine or a computer/system that perform tasks in such fashion with characteristics of a human.  In simplest terms, a computer that acts or thinks like a human. One might lean towards the definition given in Artificial intelligence-definition and practice, because it best describes the machine denoting a behavior in a way of a human. 


The term Artificial Intelligence is found in many journals such as Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century. The journal discusses Artificial Intelligence and its growth throughout the 21st century. The journal utilizes different journals and conferences to dig into the impactful evolution of Artificial Intelligence. The journal states, “In simple terms, AI aims to extend and augment the capacity and efficiency of mankind in tasks of remaking nature and governing the society through intelligent machines, with the final goal of realizing a society where people and machines coexist harmoniously together” [5]. The purpose of Artificial Intelligence is to further extend the limitations of how tasks are executed and greatly increase the capacity and efficiency of these tasks. Ultimately, it will reshape nature and society that would lead to a world where humans and machines such as computers/robots can work together as a “well oiled machine”. Another journal entitled AIR5: Five Pillars of Artificial Intelligence Research discusses Artificial Intelligence and its five pillars. The five pillars of Artificial Intelligence are rationalizability, resilience, reproductivity, realism, and responsibility. The journal states that the five Rs “represent five key pillars of AI research that shall support the sustained growth of the field through the 21st century and beyond” [6]. The journal discusses how these five pillars are essential in maintaining the growth of Artificial Intelligence. The journal also states “The original inspiration of artificial intelligence (AI) was to build autonomous systems capable of matching human-level intelligence in specific domains” [6]. The intentions of Artificial Intelligence was to build a system that can match human intelligence in specific aspects. A blog entitled Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Applications, implications, and limitations, discusses how Artificial Intelligence can be used in medicine. The blog also states “AI algorithms also must learn how to do their jobs. Generally, the jobs AI algorithms can do are tasks that require human intelligence to complete, such as pattern and speech recognition, image analysis, and decision making. However, humans need to explicitly tell the computer exactly what they would look for in the image they give to an algorithm, for example. In short, AI algorithms are great for automating arduous tasks, and sometimes can outperform humans in the tasks they’re trained to do” [7]. This quote details the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence and what it must do to be effective. Artificial Intelligence must learn algorithms and read data in order to produce results that are useful. However, they must be told what to do by a human. Once they learn their tasks, they can have the potential to outperform humans, as if “beating them at their own game”.

Working Definition

Artificial Intelligence is the ability of a computing machine such as a computer to learn algorithms and interpret data in order to perform tasks of a human’s capability.  Artificial Intelligence can have the potential to troubleshoot problems of a human’s computer or a computer in general. Artificial Intelligence can also have the potential ability of solving a human’s computer through a series of questions and ultimately lead to a solution. 


  1. Copeland, B. (2020, August 11). Artificial intelligence. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/technology/artificial-intelligence
  2. A. B. Simmons and S. G. Chappell, “Artificial intelligence-definition and practice,” in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 14-42, April 1988, doi: 10.1109/48.551
  3. D. Jakhar and I. Kaur, “Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning: definitions and differences,” in Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, vol. 45, issue 1, pp. 131-132, June 2019, doi:10.1111/ced.14029
  4. Sternberg, R. J. (2020, November 6). Human intelligence. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/science/human-intelligence-psychology
  5. Liu, Jiaying & Kong, Xiangjie & Xia, Feng & Bai, Xiaomei & Wang, Lei & Qing, Qing & Lee, Ivan. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century. IEEE Access. PP. 1-1. 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2819688
  6. Ong, Yew & Gupta, Abhishek. (2018). AIR5: Five Pillars of Artificial Intelligence Research. 
  7. Ariel, et al. “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Applications, Implications, and Limitations.” Science in the News, 19 June 2019, sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2019/artificial-intelligence-in-medicine-applications-implications-and-limitations/.

Expanded Definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis
FROM: Chowdhury Hashmee
DATE: March 26th, 2021
SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Artificial Intelligence


The purpose of this 750-1000 Word Expanded Definition is to explore the definition of the term “Artificial Intelligence” which is a revolutionary invention of science in modern-day technology. I will be defining the term “Artificial Intelligence” in relation to machine learning and contextually how it operates in the different sections of the modern technology field. 

In this project, I will introduce Artificial Intelligence following several defining quotations from verified sources where I will discuss and compare those definitions from the authors. Next, I will discuss several quotations from a variety of sources where Artificial Intelligence is used in context. Finally, I will provide my own working definition of Artificial Intelligence after discussing all those quotations.


Author  J. F. SMOLKO in the article “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” defines AI as, “Artificial intelligence (AI) is that division of science, particularly of computer science, which attempts to emulate and extend with programmed and fabricated elements the cognitive and affective functions of animals and human beings.”(Smolko, 2003, p.765). Author SMOLKO tries to define Artificial Intelligence as the emulation of cognitive and affective functions that animals and we, humans perform daily. However, he emphasized computer science since machines will think and perform as the human mind thinks by using algorithms which is programmable by AI. In another article “BUSINESS FINANCE”, authors  Mark Jon Snyder and Lisa Gueldenzoph Snyder define AI as, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science and engineering devoted to the creation of intelligent machines and the software to run them. This process is “artificial” because once it is programmed into the machine, it occurs without human intervention.”(Snyder et al., 2014, p.31). Comparing the two definitions, all of the authors mention computer science and programmable algorithms that machines will learn to think like human minds also known as Artificial Intelligence. The author from the first definition didn’t mention human intervention whereas the authors of the second definition did which means when machines adopt programmable AI, they can operate and run the software simultaneously without human interventions.


In a New York Times article “After the Pandemic, a Revolution in Education and Work Awaits” by  Thomas L. Friedman in an interview with Ravi Kumar, Artificial Intelligence is described as an automated system. “Now so many more people can play at that because you no longer need to know how to code to generate new software programs. Thanks to artificial intelligence, there is now “no-code software.’’ You just instruct the software to design some code for the application that you’ve imagined or need and, presto, it will spit it out.”(Friedman, 2020). Basically, the author gathered information about how AI is making our lives easier in the job sectors where AI will automate generate code according to the instruction given by the user whereas before we had to write all the codes from the scratch and as a human being, it takes up a lot of time to complete an application to run properly. In a blogpost “AI is Shaping the Future of Appointment Scheduling” posted by Ryan Williamson explains the importance of  AI in scheduling appointments. “AI-driven interface between the customer and the company can schedule appointments without human intervention to enable sending out confirmation emails, digital directions, etc. to help deliver a top-notch experience every time.”(Williamson, 2020). Ryan emphasizes an AI-driven interface where customers can schedule an appointment, collect basic pieces of information such as FAQ instead of calling the customer service, waiting in line, and manually schedule an appointment which is beneficial for both business and customers. Since an AI-driven interface can operate multiple tasks at the same time, the company can reduce labor and invest more in technology. In a CBS NEWS article “Facebook touts the use of artificial intelligence to help detect harmful content and misinformation” by Musadiq Bidar, he explains how Facebook is using AI to detect posts that violate the company’s policies and regulations. “Confronted with an onslaught of social media posts filled with misinformation and harmful content, Facebook said Tuesday it has begun to rely on artificial intelligence to boost its efforts to evaluate whether posts violate its policies and should be labeled or removed.”(Bidar, 2020). Billions of people use Facebook every day but not everyone follows the guidelines and policies. It is not possible for Facebook employees to manually detect and take down all those posts. Therefore, Facebook is using AI that can intelligently detect the violating posts and can track the devices from where the posts have been published all thanks to the programmable algorithms in combination with machine learning. Human eyes can make mistakes, but we cannot escape with violations through the eyes of AI.


From the above discussions, I think Artificial Intelligence is the counterfeit of the human mind which is programmable to apply as an algorithm into the machines to operate and run software without human interruption. AI is very important in my major(software development) since developers use the help of AI to generate automated codes that will provide time to the developers in the backend to debug and test the application while the frontend developers can modify those automated codes according to the requirements without starting from scratch.


Bidar, M. (2020, August 12). Facebook touts use of artificial intelligence to help detect harmful content and misinformation. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/facebook-artificial-intelligence-harmful-content-misinformation/. 

Friedman, T. L. (2020, October 20). After the Pandemic, a Revolution in Education and Work Awaits. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/20/opinion/covid-education-work.html?searchResultPosition=1. 

Williamson, R. (2020, October 6). AI is Shaping the Future of Appointment Scheduling. Data Science Central. https://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/ai-is-shaping-the-future-of-appointment-scheduling. 

SMOLKO, J. F. (2003). Artificial Intelligence. In New Catholic Encyclopedia (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 765-766). Gale. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3407700832/GVRL?u=cuny_nytc&sid=GVRL&xid=bb763593

Snyder, M. J., & Snyder, L. G. (2014). Artificial Intelligence. In Encyclopedia of Business and Finance (3rd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 31-35). Macmillan Reference USA. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3727500026/GVRL?u=cuny_nytc&sid=GVRL&xid=fa612e0a

Expanded Definition of Amazon Web Service (AWS)

TO: Prof. Ellis 
FROM: Andrew Dindyal 
DATE: 3/26/21 
SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Amazon Web Service (AWS)


Although Amazon.com Incorporation is most popularly known as a web-based retail and logistics company, one of its products, Amazon Web Services has become an essential resource for several organizations across various technological industries (Amazon Web Services Inc. 2021). This paper defines Amazon Web Services and what it entails together with its relevance. This paper analyzes Amazon Web Services within a commercial context as well as in relation to the future of information technology to add more perspectives. I attempt to outline the connection between Amazon Web Series and my major in Computer Systems through a working definition.


Amazon Web Services is a multi-faceted web-based program that provides a “leading cloud-computing platform” to its clients worldwide (Page, 2020). “Cloud-computing” refers to a service that enables the client to preserve and freely obtain “data” online without the client having to use “hard drives” (Guru99, 2021). Similarly, Guru99 (2021) defines Amazon Website Services as “a platform that offers flexible, reliable, scalable, easy-to-use and cost-effective cloud computing solutions.” Moreover, the Amazon Web Services Inc. (2021) website defines it as “the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform.” As such, all these definitions acknowledge that Amazon Web Services avails “cloud-computing” services, which allow one to retrieve the information from “remote servers” (Guru99, 2021). “Remote servers” are computers that provide access to “files” for “users that are not on a Local Area Network but need remote access to it, such that the users gain access to files and print services on the Local Area Network from a remote location” (The Law Dictionary, n.d.). Only the Amazon Web Services Inc. (2021) website mentions the global use of Amazon Web Services in its definition. In simple terms, therefore, Amazon Web Services is a collection of facilities provided by Amazon Inc. through which customers can preserve and retrieve web-based information and other materials from numerous locations worldwide at any time (Amazon Web Services Inc., 2021).

Amazon Web Services includes various products that feature capabilities such as “analytics, application integration, block-chain, cost-management, computing facilities, machine learning, networking and content delivery, storage, and databases” (Amazon Web Services Inc., 2021). These products are currently being applied to identify better ways of enhancing the availability of information to more customers globally (Amazon Web Services Inc., 2021).


Within a commercial context, Amazon Web Services has been successful in expanding its utilization to more customers around the world, by creating a diverse and vast customer base (Amazon Web Services Inc., 2021). Herrman (2021) explains that “If you watch Netflix, or if you have a meeting on Zoom, or if you check Pinterest, or scroll through Twitter”, then you are most likely using facilities provided by Amazon Web Services. This implies that in the current technological era, facilities that allow for unlimited preservation and retrieval of web-based information are relevant in almost every sphere of our lives. Organizations that can optimally use such facilities are guaranteed a competitive advantage in their industries. This speaks to the commercial success of Amazon Web Services since it is currently filling gaps in industries such as “advertising and marketing, financial service providers, manufacturing, popular media and entertainment, telecommunications, travel and hospitality, manufacturing, electronic game technologies, and healthcare” (Amazon Web Services Inc., 2021).

The future, demands that we identify faster, cheaper, and more convenient means of preserving and retrieving web-based information. Amazon Web Services can be recognized as a trendsetter in this endeavor due to their dedication and continued research aimed at improving their product portfolio (Amazon Web Services Inc., 2021). Cook (2018) argues that “the challenge for Amazon Web Services in the coming years will be to accelerate the development of its functionality while increasing the level of security offered to customers”. This implies that there are various barriers in optimizing the availability of web-based information posed mainly by internet users. Furthermore, the ethical and legal boundaries surrounding web-based information availability are currently not clearly defined. So, to enhance the safe preservation and retrieval of web-based information, adequate international regulations and guidelines may be necessary.

Working Definition

Amazon Web Services is associated with my major in Computer Systems because it provides an example of one of the most relevant contemporary uses of Information Technology systems. Fundamentally, Amazon Web Services has set the pace for profitable and efficient utilization of Information Technology facilities by organizations, by relating with my major through laying the foundation for enhanced preservation and retrieval of web-based information. It has also informed us of the current barriers to optimizing the availability of web-based information, thereby directing us on the measures that can be taken for future improvements. Also, since my major in Computer Systems encompasses how information technology can be profitably used in a business setting, Amazon Web Services is an exceptional benchmark from which we can learn how to better apply information technology in providing an organization with a competitive advantage over its opponents. Amazon Web Services are a group of information technology products aimed at enhancing the preservation and retrieval of web-based information.


Amazon Web Services Inc. (2021). What is AWS? https://aws.amazon.com/what-is-aws/

Cook, B. (2018, July). Formal reasoning about the security of amazon web services. In International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (pp. 38-47). Springer, Cham.

Guru99. (2021). What is AWS? Amazon Cloud Services Tutorial. https://www.guru99.com/what-is-aws.html

Herrman, J. (2020) What, Exactly, Is Amazon Web Services? The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/09/style/amazon-web-services.html

Page, V. (2020). What Is Amazon Web Services and Why Is It so Successful? Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/011316/what-amazon-web-services-and-why-it-so-successful.asp

The Law Dictionary. (n.d.). What is REMOTE SERVER? https://thelawdictionary.org/remote-server/#:~:text=A%20server%20that%20is%20dedicated,LAN%20from%20a%20remote%20location

Kiara Candelario’s Expanded Definition of Database

To: Prof. Jason Ellis

From: Kiara Candelario

Date: March 26, 2021

Subject: Expanded Definition of Database


The purpose of this document is to provide an expanded definition of the word “database.” I have chosen the word database because it has such an impact on our lives without us realizing it. Two definitions of the word database will be provided and will be compared. Also, two instances of the word being used will be provided and compare how the individuals are using the word. Lastly, a working definition is created based on the previous definitions and the context.


According to Oxford Dictionary, a database is “A structured set of data held in computer storage and typically accessed or manipulated by means of specialized software.” (Oxford, 2021) The definition explains that it is an organized set of data that can be manipulated, stored, or accessed on a computer. The specialized software stated in the definition used to access and manage the data in a computer is called a database management system (DBMS). They are many database management systems that are used for databases. Some of the database management systems are MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL

According to Merriam-Webster, a database is “a usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and retrieval (as by a computer).” (Merriam-Webster,2021) The definition explains that it is a large amount of organized data that is accessible with the use of a computer. When searching for the data, it is searched and retrieved quickly. Databases make retrieving data faster. It is efficient for companies that have large amounts of data that need to be stored as well as accessed for future use and reference. For example, doctors can quickly get access to their patient information due to it being held on a database.

The Oxford Dictionary and Merriam-Webster definition both discuss that a database is basically an organized collection of data stored on a computer. Some differences are that the Oxford Dictionary sheds light on how specialized software is needed to manipulate and access the data, which is the use of a database management system. The Merriam-Webster definition sheds light on how large amounts of organized data is access quickly by search and retrieval. Both definitions are used in the technology industry as well as other industries.


Harington states, “for the most part, today’s DBMS is intended as shared resources. A single database may be supporting thousands of users at one time.” Databases have the ability to allow many users to access the information that is in them at once.  It demonstrates how databases are efficient due to a single database supporting thousands of users simultaneously.  Although it allows many users to access the data, it is possible to have security in place so only a restricted number of individuals can access the data. For example, in a company, a database can be limited to specific individuals in order to prevent company breaches.

Randle states, “The Brooklyn district attorney’s office said DNA had helped solve 270 cases, including sexual assaults and homicides. The role of the database became a flash point in the trial of Chanel Lewis, the Brooklyn man convicted in April of murdering Karina Vetrano, a jogger in Queens.” The article discusses how police use a DNA database to capture criminals. The police get DNA samples from a crime scene and run them on the database to see if there is a match. Suppose there is a match, the person whose DNA it corresponds to shows up on the database, and all essential information needed for that person is there. The DNA database also has DNA from individuals that are not criminals.

Harington’s and Randle’s use of the word database is based on using a specific application or software with a database behind it to retrieve information like the individuals’ names in the database. The application makes it easier for the user to search for the items instead of retrieving them with code like SQL.

Working Definition

Based on the definition and the contextual use of the word ‘database,’ a database is organized data stored on a computer. It can be modified and retrieved with the help of a database management system. The data and the DBMS, and the application associated with it are called a database system. Only people who are authorized can have access to the data. Many applications and websites have a database behind them to retrieve and update information.


Harrington, J. L. (2009). Relational database design and implementation: Clearly explained. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Database. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/database?src=search-dict-hed#other-words

Oxford University Press. (n.d.). Database. In Oxford Dictionary. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from


Randle, A. (2019, August 16). Why the N.y.p.d.’s DNA database has some people worried. Retrieved March 26, 2021, from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/16/nyregion/newyorktoday/nypd-dna-database.html?searchResultPosition=12

Shoron Reza’s Expanded Definition of Virtual Private Network (VPN)

TO: Prof. Ellis 
FROM: Shoron Reza 
DATE: 3/26/21 
SUBJECT: Expanded Definition of Virtual Private Network (VPN)


The scientific term I selected for this expanded definition project is VPN, which is an acronym for Virtual Private Network. Below is a summary of my findings and the knowledge I have gained from researching this term. I will be discussing the various definitions and components I have discovered online through journal articles, encyclopedias and other relevant sources.


According to Britannica, the official definition of a Virtual Private Network is “a private computer network deployed over a public telecommunications network, such as the Internet. A VPN typically includes one or more connected corporate intranets, or local area networks (LANs), which users at remote locations can access using a password authentication system” (Britannica, 2016). In simpler terms, VPN’s are systems that permit public internet networks to be utilized as private networks with the purpose of increasing security. It provides more privacy and a secure connection within a public network. When you are in a public place such as a café or a library, you most likely would want to use their public Wi-Fi network to access the internet. However, this is not safe due to the fact that the information from your device will then be accessible by everyone else using the same Wi-Fi network. That is where VPN comes into play with providing an extra layer of security. You will still be able to access the internet with the public Wi-Fi, but will be safeguarded by the Virtual Private Network. Based on the Network Encyclopedia, “VPNs use tunneling technologies to allow users to access private network resources through the Internet or another public network. Users enjoy the same security and features formerly available only in their private networks” (Editor, 2020). This emphasizes that with a VPN, there is much more security and is the safer option when it comes to surfing the web through a public connection.


Back in 1996, employees working for Microsoft Corporation created a procedure called PPTP, which stands for point-to-point tunneling protocol. It was a system of designing a protected network between users through encoding data and establishing a tunnel over local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN) connections. This procedure allows the transfer of confidential and significant data securely, even within public networks. The only thing needed to send and receive secured information through PPTP is a username, password and an IP address. Due to these simple requirements, PPTP has continued to be one of the most popular types of VPN. Originally, VPN’s were utilized by big corporations but throughout the years, internet users have become more alert to the probability of threats with working online and have started discovering more secure ways of using the internet. Nowadays, VPN’s are being used by many people to safely access the internet, avoid being hacked, prevent viruses from entering their technological devices and finally, ensuring online privacy.

According to Mujović, the purpose of a VPN is “to create a private connection between multiple people and devices across the Internet. In effect it is an Internet within an Internet, secure private and encrypted from prying eyes, malware, hackers and anyone else who may wish to know where you surf, or where you are surfing from” (Mujović, 2018). This actively demonstrates the importance of using a VPN when you are accessing a public network. It can protect your personal data and sensitive information from being stolen by cybercriminals. The term VPN is also discussed in context to multiprotocol label switching in a journal article. The writer states “a network in which customer connectivity amongst multiple sites is deployed on a shared infrastructure, that utilizes the same security, management, and quality of service policies that are applied in a private network” (Azher et al, 2005). The article provides an overview of the multiprotocol label switching VPN technology services and how it relates to other types of VPN. It highlights the problems linked to delivering VPN services in a MPLS setting.

Working Definition

The scientific term Virtual Private Network directly correlates to my major in Networking & Security because of how and why it was initially created. To sum up everything that has been stated so far, VPNs were formed to protect users from getting their data stolen by unauthorized individuals also known as “hackers” or “cybercriminals.” With a VPN, all your data is directed through an encrypted cybernetic tunnel. By this, your IP address is unknown when using public networks, making its location hidden to everyone. Cybersecurity continues to be a developing field due to the advancement and use of technology within our generation. With the help of VPNs, your data can now be safe and protected.


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2016, June 3). Virtual private network. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/technology/virtual-private-network

Editor. (2020, March 7). Virtual Private Network (VPN). Network Encyclopedia. https://networkencyclopedia.com/virtual-private-network-vpn/

I. Azher, M. Aurengzeb and K. Masood, “Virtual Private Network Implementation Over Multiprotocol Label Switching,” 2005 Student Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, 2005, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/SCONEST.2005.4382902.

Mujović, V. (2018, August 17). The History of VPN Creation: Purpose of VPN.

Foysal’s Expanded Definition of Cyber Security

To: Prof. Ellis

From: Foysal Ahmed

Date: 03/26/2021

Subject: Expanded Definition of Cyber Security 


The purpose of this document it to inform about different type of cyber security. In this paper I will be talking about cyber security and the different type that protects out network. Network security, application security, information security, operation security, disaster recovery and business continuity and end-user education are few terms that. There is a lot of cyber threat that continues to grow everyday of the year. People get affect by cybercrime everyday anyone with a cell phone, bank account, files on the computer. Cyber security is set in this place to protect us from hackers and even terrorist from hacking any sensitive files. People have private information that they do not want to be out in the world or probably do not even want their family members or even friends to see. Cybercrime which is one or a couple of people causing disruption or targeting people for financial purposes (Kaspersky, 2021). Cyber-attacks get information pertaining to public affairs another type of threat is cyberterrorism “is intended to undermine electronic systems to cause panic or fear” (Kaspersky, 2021).


Cyber security is very important part in the world. The purpose of cyber security “is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks” (Kaspersky, 2021). There are a few types of security that works in different ways Network security, application security, information security, operational security, Disaster recovery and business continuity, and end-user education. Network security is “the practice of securing a computer network from intruders, whether targeted attackers or opportunistic malware” (Kaspersky, 2021). Firewalls is one type of network security which is a barrier that protects your network from any unauthorized and untrusted when on the internet. Another one is access control which keep hackers or anytime of unwanted visitors gaining access to your network. Application security “focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats. A compromised application could provide access to the data its designed to protect. Successful security begins in the design stage, well before a program or device is deployed.” (Kaspersky, 2021). Kaspersky is saying that this security is in place to prevent codes or data from being taken. 


 Juliana De Groot wrote in her blog that cyber security means “the body of technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect networks, devices, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access.” ( De Groot , 2020). She speaks on how important cyber security is important everywhere. From the government to the military and even the stores that store information from customers on there computer database. Just like Kaspersky, Groot also spoke on the elements of cyber security. Her definition network security is “The process of protecting the network from unwanted users, attacks and intrusions” ( De Groot , 2020). Which is basically saying the same thing as Kaspersky. She continues to speak on application security, Disaster recovery and business continuity. She added cloud security and mobile security. Cloud security is “Many files are in digital environments or “the cloud”. Protecting data in a 100% online environment presents a large amount of challenges.” And mobile security is “Cell phones and tablets involve virtually every type of security challenge in and of themselves. ( De Groot , 2020).


The field that I am going into is cyber security. As a Cyber Security Specialist, I will be providing security to many software, data centers as well as networks. By this I will be helping businesses protect their computers from any hackers that try to get into their network. Cyber Security Specialist is also look out for threat; they conduct the necessary procedure to determine they threat. They also test and identify the network and system vulnerabilities. I will also be responsible for looking after the security that was built into the system software, hardware and other components. Another one is building firewalls into the network infrastructures, I will also work along side police when it is needed to discuss who hacked into the network and so on. In today we have a lot of cyber threat that is going on, from hackers to trojans, data breaches. It would be my job to protect all the things that would happen to people network system and keep their information safe. 


Kaspersky. (2021, January 13). What is cyber security? Retrieved March 09, 2021, from https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-cyber-security

De Groot, J. (2020, October 05). What is Cyber Security? Definition, Best Practices & More [Web log post]. Retrieved March 09, 2021, from https://digitalguardian.com/blog/what-cyber-security