How to Submit Your 500-Word Summary, Week 4

Refer to this week’s lecture for more details on how to post your 500-Word Summary project to our OpenLab Course Site.

Below, I am including some screenshots to guide you through the process of creating a post for your 500-Word Summary.

To begin your own Post, login to OpenLab, navigate to our Course Site, mouseover the "+" icon, and click "Post."

To begin your own Post, login to OpenLab, navigate to our Course Site, mouseover the “+” icon, and click “Post.”

Before typing anything, look under Categories on the right and add a check next to "500-Word Summary."

Before typing anything, look under Categories on the right and add a check next to “500-Word Summary.”

Click in the "Add Title" section to enter your title (e.g., Summary of Lin's "3D Layering of Integrated Circuits"). Then, click in the "Start Writing" area and copy-and-paste your 500-Word Summary memo from your word processor into this area.

Click in the “Add Title” section to enter your title (e.g., Summary of Lin’s “3D Layering of Integrated Circuits”). Then, click in the “Start Writing” area and copy-and-paste your 500-Word Summary memo from your word processor into this area.

After copyediting your work to ensure everything is as you want it to be, click on "Publish" and then click "Publish" on the next screen. Verify that your post is live on the site by clicking on "ENG2575 Technical Writing" at the top center to return to our Course Site.

After copyediting your work to ensure everything is as you want it to be, click on “Publish” and then click “Publish” on the next screen. Verify that your post is live on the site by clicking on “ENG2575 Technical Writing” at the top center to return to our Course Site and then click on the down arrow next to Student Projects in the left menu and 500-Word Summary beneath it to see your project posted.

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 3

After watching this week’s lecture above, use this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment to begin your initial research on the next project: 750-1000-Word Expanded Definition Project. This is the second individually-based project in the class. The goal is to write 750-1000 words that provide an extended definition of a term relevant to your field of studies and/or future career. Below is the synopsis of the assignment from the syllabus:

Individual: 750-1000-Word Expanded Definition, 15%

Individually, you will write a 750-1000 word expanded definition of a technical or scientific term, with cover memo, which demonstrates: 1. correct memorandum format. 2. knowledge of the etymology and historical development of the term. 3. examples of the termā€™s use in various written contexts. 4. ability to compare and contrast various uses of the term. 5. use and citation of sources with proper attribution. 6. awareness of audience. At least three library-sourced citations are required and should be cited following APA format.

As detailed and explained in this week’s lecture, your Weekly Writing Assignment this week is an opportunity to begin your research, settle on a term to focus on, and find three quotes that you might use in your project. With that in mind, add a comment to this post with the following before next week:

  • Begin with a short paragraph that begins with a statement about three possible terms that you considered and performed cursory research on for your project and concludes with the one term out of the three candidates that you ultimately decided to focus your expanded definition project on.
  • After using the library’s databases and reference guide shown in this week’s lecture, perform more focused research on the single term that you selected and copy-and-paste three quotes–each quote must come from a different source (e.g., one from a dictionary, one from an encyclopedia, and one from an ebook, or all three from different dictionaries, or all three from three different encyclopedias, or all three from journal articles, etc. All combinations will yield quotes that you might use in your expanded definition essay).
  • After each quote, write an APA bibliographic reference for your selection.
  • As always, write your Weekly Writing Assignment in a word processor, save your work, and then copy-and-paste it into a comment added to this post.
  • Remember to rely on the Purdue Owl APA Guide (and its sections listed on the left menu), and the APA Style Guide’s Dictionary References Guide.

Continuing 500-Word Summary Project, Peer Review, Week 3

As we begin to wrap up the 500-Word Summary Project, we will use peer review to request and receive feedback from your peers in the class. This serves two purposes: 1) you get experience working with the writing of others, which improves your writing ability through this critical engagement, and 2) you receive invaluable feedback and suggestions on how to improve your own writing from others.

To perform peer review on this assignment, do the following after watching this week’s lecture above:

  • Watch for an email on Wednesday from Prof. Ellis to you and your teammates.
    • Choose to “Reply All” to this email. This will send a single reply message to all recipients of the original email, which includes your teammates and Prof. Ellis.
    • Open with a salutation to everyone.
    • Introduce yourself to your team (major, career goals, hobbies).
    • Write a message to your team–ask for feedback and offer to provide feedback.
    • Copy-and-paste your 500-summary below your message.
    • Give a closing and signature (Best, Your Name or Cheers, Your Name).
  • As you receive emails from your team:
    • Read their 500-Word Summary
    • Click ā€œReply Allā€ to their message
    • Write a brief email (Salutation, Body, Closing)
    • In the body:Ā 
      • What works best
      • What needs improvement
      • Quote one random sentence and rewrite
        it as a suggestion
  • Remember to be polite, understanding, work through problems, be considerate, be the bigger person if there are any misunderstandings.
  • Feel free to use your emails for discussion about the project and your team, but keep all discussion professional and appropriate.
  • Reach out to Prof. Ellis if there are any unsolvable problems within your team at any point during the semester.

Continuing 500-Word Summary Project, Week 2

As discussed in the lecture this week, this week’s homework on the 500-Word Summary project is to transform the reverse outline that you wrote last week into a first draft that you will share with your team and Prof. Ellis as a part of next week’s homework (I will cover this in the Week 3 Lecture).

In the Week 2 lecture above, I show how to format your 500-Word Summery as a memo, add an introductory topic sentence, add a road map sentence, incorporate a quote and citation, and add a reference in APA format at the end of the document. The example that I created in the lecture is included below for your reference.

After you have completed your first draft, save a copy and be ready to circulate it next week after I assign teams. When you share your work, your teammates will provide feedback and Prof. Ellis will see your work. I will explain this more next week.

TO:Ā Ā Ā    Prof. Ellis
FROM:    Your Name
DATE: Ā   3/3/2021
SUBJECT: 500-Word Summary of Article About Virtual Reality

The following is a 500-word summary of a peer-reviewed article about tracking human bodies in virtual reality. The authors discuss the body tracking software that they developed called Pfinder by showing how the software was developed, tested, and improved. According to the authors, ā€œToĀ  addressĀ  thisĀ  needĀ  weĀ  haveĀ  developedĀ  aĀ  real-timeĀ  system called Ā  Pfinder Ā  (ā€œperson Ā  finderā€) Ā  that Ā  substantially Ā  solves Ā  the problemĀ  forĀ  arbitrarilyĀ  complexĀ  butĀ  single-person,Ā  fixed-camera situationsā€ (Wren et al., 1997, p. 780). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at porttitor neque. Nullam dapibus pulvinar hendrerit. Etiam elementum ipsum quis elit aliquet tincidunt. Aliquam dui augue, tempor quis pretium et, fermentum et dolor. Praesent sit amet velit et ligula iaculis vulputate. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam lobortis pulvinar rhoncus. Aliquam neque sem, tincidunt sollicitudin ante gravida, congue pretium odio. Nullam in vestibulum tellus, accumsan dignissim dolor. Sed convallis nisl vel venenatis sagittis. In eu turpis risus. Phasellus ac rhoncus est. [The body should be 500 words long +/- 20 words.]


Wren, C. R., Azarbayejani, A., Darrell, T., & Pentland, A. P. (1997). Pfinder: Real-time tracking of the human body. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19(7), 780-785.

Beginning 500-Word Summary Project, Week 1

According to the syllabus, the 500-Word Summary project involves the following:

Individual: 500-Word Summary, 10%

Individually, you will write a 500-word summary of a technical or scientific article that demonstrates: 1. ability to identify key processes and concepts in a professional science or technology article. 2. ability to describe complex processes and concepts clearly and concisely. 3. an awareness of audience. The summary should cite the article and any quotes following APA format.

Perform the following steps to begin your project:

First, use the library’s journal databases (navigate to Start Your Research > Find Articles > A/Academic Search Complete or I/IEEE Explore) to find an article of sufficient length (< 4 pages) that focuses on a topic from your major and career. Save the PDF of the article some place safe so that you can easily return to it later.

Second, read the article from start to finish.

Third, write a reverse outline of the article by reading each paragraph again, putting the article away, typing one sentence in your own words summarizing that single paragraph, reading the next paragraph, writing one sentence summarizing it, etc. until the end of the article. Save this reverse outline someplace safe (we will be using it next week), and copy-and-paste it into a comment made to this post (click the title above, “Beginnings 500-Word Summary Project, Week 1” and scroll down to the comment box where you paste your reverse outline and then click “post comment.”).