Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 3

After watching this week’s lecture above, use this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment to begin your initial research on the next project: 750-1000-Word Expanded Definition Project. This is the second individually-based project in the class. The goal is to write 750-1000 words that provide an extended definition of a term relevant to your field of studies and/or future career. Below is the synopsis of the assignment from the syllabus:

Individual: 750-1000-Word Expanded Definition, 15%

Individually, you will write a 750-1000 word expanded definition of a technical or scientific term, with cover memo, which demonstrates: 1. correct memorandum format. 2. knowledge of the etymology and historical development of the term. 3. examples of the term’s use in various written contexts. 4. ability to compare and contrast various uses of the term. 5. use and citation of sources with proper attribution. 6. awareness of audience. At least three library-sourced citations are required and should be cited following APA format.

As detailed and explained in this week’s lecture, your Weekly Writing Assignment this week is an opportunity to begin your research, settle on a term to focus on, and find three quotes that you might use in your project. With that in mind, add a comment to this post with the following before next week:

  • Begin with a short paragraph that begins with a statement about three possible terms that you considered and performed cursory research on for your project and concludes with the one term out of the three candidates that you ultimately decided to focus your expanded definition project on.
  • After using the library’s databases and reference guide shown in this week’s lecture, perform more focused research on the single term that you selected and copy-and-paste three quotes–each quote must come from a different source (e.g., one from a dictionary, one from an encyclopedia, and one from an ebook, or all three from different dictionaries, or all three from three different encyclopedias, or all three from journal articles, etc. All combinations will yield quotes that you might use in your expanded definition essay).
  • After each quote, write an APA bibliographic reference for your selection.
  • As always, write your Weekly Writing Assignment in a word processor, save your work, and then copy-and-paste it into a comment added to this post.
  • Remember to rely on the Purdue Owl APA Guide (and its sections listed on the left menu), and the APA Style Guide’s Dictionary References Guide.

13 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 3”

  1. Three terms that I have done research on that intrigued me were data encryption, cybersecurity, and computer networking. From these three terms, I have decided to focus my attention on data encryption for this writing project. After doing my research about these topics, I chose data encryption out of cybersecurity, and computer networking for the reason that data encryption is a crucial element that is needed so that the person with the right credentials can access the information encrypted. In McGraw-Hill science and technology textbook, they describe encryption as “.. the task of developing a standard encryption device for use in data networks” (McGraw-Hill. (1977)). Also, in the journal “Ensuring Data Security in Databases Using Format Preserving Encryption” by Shikha Gupta, Stibir Jain, and Mohit Agarwal they quote “… it is necessary to apply effective and secure encryption/decryption schemes to enhance the security of data”(Gupta 214). This quote from the article provides a description of the purpose of implementing encryption for data to ensure better security on sensitive information. The last article that helped me do my research about data encryption was “Study on Encryption methods to secure the privacy of the data and Computation on Encrypted data presented at Cloud” by Dr. Nagesh and Thejaswini L. Within the article they state “Various encryption methods can be used to secure the data present at (the) cloud. Many of the encryption methods provide secure storage” (Nagesh 383). This quote from Nagesh gives information on how encrypting data can provide a secure way to store information and material.


    McGraw-Hill. (1977). Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 17th, 2021, from https://www-oed-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/Entry/242722?redirectedFrom=encryption#eid

    Shikha Gupta, Stibir Jain, and Mohit Agarwal. (2018). IEEE Xplore: Ensuring Data Security in Databases Using Format Preserving Encryption, pp.214-216.

    Dr. Nagesh and Thejaswini L. (2017). IEEE Xplore: Study on Encryption methods to secure the privacy of the data and Computation on Encrypted data presented at Cloud, pp 383-386.

  2. The three terms that I chose to research for are programmer, software engineer, and full stack because of my interest of being a full stack software engineer and I was not able to think of other phrases/words. I chose programmer to be the ideal term to work on because it gave me the most information compared to the others. Within the Oxford English Dictionary, it stated “As any programmer will tell you, a computer is merely as good as the data fed into it” (Maclean’s, 1958). This next quote comes from the Oxford Reference and it states, “Person who builds and constructs the programme” (Gorse et al., 2020). For the final quote, I located it in IEEE, and it states “In other words, the data indicate that programmers familiar with Java require less cognitive effort to understand Java source code” (Peitak et al., 2020, p. 452). In conclusion, my research of the term helps me understand how it was used historically compared to how it is used now and how a person associated with the term is.


    Maclean’s. (1958). Programmer. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 20, 2021, from programmer, n. : Oxford English Dictionary (cuny.edu)

    Oxford University Press. (2020). Programmer. In Oxford Reference. Retrieved February 20, 2021, from Programmer – Oxford Reference (cuny.edu)

    Peitek, N., Siegmund, J., Apel, S., Kastner, C., Parnin, C., Bethmann, A., Leich, T., Saake, G., & Brechmann, A., (2020). A look into programmers’ heads. IEEE, 46(4), 442 – 462. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2018.2863303

  3. The three terms that I considered researching were Cookies, CSS and HTML. All of these terms are integral parts to web development but I chose to focus my research on the term Cookies. According to the Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, “Cookies are simply tiny text files that a Web server sends to the browser and retrieves each time the user accesses the Web site” (Henderson, 2009, p. 116). In the Oxford English Dictionary, Cookies are defined as, “A token or packet of data that is passed between computers or programs to allow access or to activate certain features; (in recent use spec.) a packet of data sent by an internet server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, thereby identifying the user or monitoring his or her access to the server” (Oxford English Dictionary, n.d.). In the article Toxic Cookies, the author Hal Berghel states that “Cookies were created to overcome the statelessness of HTTP for Web commerce applications” (Berghel, 2013, p. 104).

    Henderson, H. (2009). Encyclopedia of computer science and technology (Rev. ed.). Facts On File. https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofco0000hend/page/116/mode/2up
    Oxford English Dictionary. (n.d.) Cookies. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 22, 2021, from https://www-oed-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/Entry/40961?rskey=aWP9CU&result=1&isAdvanced=false#eid
    Berghel, H. (2013). Toxic Cookies. Computer (Long Beach, Calif.), 46(9), 104–107. https://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2013.330

  4. The three terms I chose are software development, Networking, and database. I will be discussing software development because the idea of creating things always piqued my interest in the field of computers. After conducting my research, “App developers and software companies have a vested interest in getting you to use their products ”(J. Hargrave, 2016). In addition, “Reuse-based software development emphasizes strategies, techniques, and principles that enable developers to create new systems effectively” (Selby, 2006, p. 495). Also, “The use of disparate software development tools on a project by multiple developers is usually essential when developing today’s complex software systems”(Grundy at el., 1998, p. 960).


    J. Hargrave. 2016. Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 22nd, 2021, from https://www-oed-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/Entry/183938?redirectedFrom=software+development#eid1212306330

    Selby, R. W. (2005) Enabling reuse-based software development of large-scale systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 31(6), 495 – 510. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSE.2005.69

    Grundy, J., Hosking, J., & Mugridge, W. B.(1998). Inconsistency Management for Multiple-View Software Development Environments. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 24(11), 960 – 981. https://doi.org/10.1109/32.730545

  5. Since I am computer information system major I searched for specific term which is coding ,networking and programing I have not decide yet which the exactly topic I will do my research I am thinking between coding and programing since small thing can create something very variable as fa as I know how to use so I picked 3 books the first one is networking its actually talking about then network and how it expand to all over the world also the improvement of networking since I was reading and found each country define networking differently I got this quote which it defined the networking in general “A network is also a series of computers and peripheral equipment linked together as in a LAN”

    Second book I picked was about programing since everything in technology need programs this quotes it grabs my attention “In the broadest sense, all technical activities involved in the production of a program ,”.

    The third book I searched for was coding since coding and programing for me the same interest its related to programing as well the quote I choosed “The transformation of a detailed design into a program. Use of the term coding generally implies a straightforward activity-simply expressing an existing design in some formal programming language-and that any decisions made during the activity”

    1- Publisher:Oxford University,2015, https://www-oxfordreference- com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780191733987.001.0001/acref-9780191733987-e-4306?rskey=4nKGb3&result=2
    2- Publisher:Oxford University2015, https://www-oxfordreference- com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/search?avail_01=free&avail_02=unlocked&btog=chap&q0=programing+
    3- publisher:Oxford University 2015, https://www-oxfordreference-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780199688975.001.0001/acref-9780199688975-e-825?rskey=MJDkLh&result=3

  6. I choose software, networking, and database, out of these three I choose to focus my expanded definition on software. I choose it since I am a Computer Systems major and I am going towards the Software Development track.
    “Programs designed to enable a computer to perform a particular task or series of tasks”
    Oxford University Press. (2000). software. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://www-oed-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/Entry/183938?redirectedFrom=software

    “software, A generic term for those components of a computer system that are intangible rather than physical. It is most commonly used to refer to the programs executed by a computer system as distinct from the physical hardware of that computer system, and to encompass both symbolic and executable forms for such programs. A distinction can be drawn between systems software, which is an essential accompaniment to the hardware in order to provide an effective overall computer system (and is therefore normally supplied by the manufacturer), and applications software specific to the particular role performed by the computer within a given organization.”
    Oxford University Press. (2016). software. A Dictionary of Computer Science (7 ed.). Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://www-oxfordreference-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780199688975.001.0001/acref-9780199688975-e-4896?rskey=eDwuiK&result=14

    “Two aspects of software quality are presented in the above definition: one is meeting the requirements, while the other is generating customer/stake holder satisfaction.”
    Galin, D. (2018). Software Quality: Concepts and Practice (1st ed.). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119134527

  7. My three Possible terms are: artificial Intelligence, Virtual Machine (VM), Data Visualization. From that, I chose to write about Artificial Intelligence.
    artificial intelligence, n.
    Origin: Formed within English, by compounding. Etymons: artificial adj., intelligence n.
    Etymology: < artificial adj. + intelligence n.
    The capacity of computers or other machines to exhibit or simulate intelligent behaviour; the field of study concerned with this. Abbreviated AI.
    1955 J. McCarthy et al. 31 Aug. (title) A proposal for the Dartmouth summer research project on artificial intelligence.
    1956 M. L. Minsky Heuristic Aspects Artificial Intell. Probl. (M.I.T. Lincoln Lab. Group Rep. 34–55) iv. 4 In the random decisions desired in the domain of artificial intelligence, I am confident that the ‘precision’ required of pseudo-random sequences will be very much less than for mathematical or numerical purposes.
    1966 Y. Bar-Hillel in Automatic Transl. of Lang. (NATO Summer School, Venice, 1962) 22 Though computers have been programmed to do certain things..it would be disastrous to extrapolate from these primitive exhibitions of artificial intelligence to something like translation.
    1973 Sci. News 4 Aug. 76/1 Engineers..have combined a computer, a television camera and a mechanical arm into a system with enough artificial intelligence to recognize blocks of various sizes.
    1993 Sci. Amer. Nov. 72/1 (caption) A pioneer in the subdiscipline of artificial intelligence known as natural language processing.
    2000 Guardian 28 Oct. i. 10/3 Magna has enlisted the team from the TV programme Robot Wars to make ‘flyborgs’—radio-controlled blimps with artificial intelligence.
    2007 Fuzzy Sets & Syst. 158 927 Choquet integrals were proposed more than 50 years ago, and are used in various fields, like economics, decision theory, and artificial intelligence.
    artificial intelligence (AI)
    Science concerned with developing computers and computer programs that model human intelligence. The most common form of AI involves programming a computer to answer questions on a specialized subject. Such ‘expert systems’ are said to display the human ability to perform expert analytical tasks. A similar system in a word processor may highlight incorrect spellings, and be ‘taught’ new words. A closely related science, sometimes known as ‘artificial life’, is concerned with more low-level intelligence. For example, a robot may be programmed to find its way around a maze, displaying the basic ability to physically interact with its surroundings.
    “The goal is to enhance the generalizability of AI, such that performance efficacy is not only confined to a specific (narrow) task, but can also be reproduced in other related tasks by sharing common building-blocks of knowledge” (Ong, Y., and Gupta, A., 2019, p. 412).

    American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Artificial intelligence. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 19, 2021, from https://www-oed-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/Entry/271625?redirectedFrom=artificial+intelligence#eid.

    Philip's. (2014). Artificial intelligence. In World Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 19, 2021, from https://www-oxfordreference-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780199546091.001.0001/acref-9780199546091-e-684?rskey=0VcIwl&result=9.

    Ong, Y., and Gupta, A. (31 July 2019). AIR5: Five Pillars of Artificial Intelligence Research. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 3(5), 411 – 415. https://doi.org/10.1109/TETCI.2019.2928344

  8. Three terms that I have chosen as interest are cybersecurity, network security, and cyber threats. The reason I chose these terms is mainly to focus on learning about security, what the possible threats are, and what are the possible solutions to the threats. For my definition project, I will be focusing on cybersecurity.
    “To summarize, these features and guidelines entail that: (1) the lab machines must have connectivity to the Internet so as to download requisite tools and access online information, (2) the lab machines must be isolated from campus network(s), (3) the lab networking environment should be as realistic as possible and capable of carrying out most of the popular and known cybersecurity exercises in the literature, (4) the lab should be set up in a way that makes it easy to manage, allocate, and scale resources for different assignments with non-uniform complexities, (5) the lab should be manned with a sufficient number of IT staff and technicians to provide adequate maintenance and prompt troubleshooting, and (6) the lab should be distributed in nature and equally accessible to on- and off-campus students” (Salah et al., 2015, p. 384).
    “Although users are somewhat aware of the security risks, most of them are not sure how they should behave to achieve cyber security (e.g., even if they have heard about phishing, some users are not sure how to recognize the problem or react appropriately). According to numerous reports, human error is seen as the dominant problem for secure information, making it necessary to understand people’s behavior towards security technology” (Kovacvic et al,. 2020, p. 125140).
    “To measure “smartness,” we consider a physical power grid network consisting of nodes (generators, customers, and substations), and edges (transmission lines)” (Smith & Elisabeth Pate-Cornell, 2018, p. 435).

    Salah, K., Hammoud, & M., Zeadally, S. (2015) Teaching cybersecurity using the cloud. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 8(4), 383-392 https://doi.org/10.1109/TLT.2015.2424692
    Kovacevic, A., Putnik, N., & Tosovic, O. (2020) Factors related to cyber security behavior. IEEE Access 8, 125140-125148 https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3007867
    Smith, M., D., & Elisabeth Pate-Cornell, M. (2018) Cyber risk analysis for a smart grid: How smart is smart enough? A multiarmed bandit approach to cyber security investment. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 65(3) https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2018.2798408

  9. Three terms of my focus are solar energy, renewable energy, and alternative energy sources. For my research project I decided to focus mostly on alternative energy sources. I think that it is a great topic for my term research project because our reality changes rapidly and alternative sources of energy are important now and most likely will increase its importance in future. So, the term alternative energy sources is an ideal term to work on. According to Cambridge Dictionary, “alternative energy is energy from moving water, wind, the sun, and gas from animal waste” or “ alternative energy is energy that does not come from coal, oil, gas, or wood, especially energy from moving water, wind, the sun, or animal waste”. The article “Minimizing electricity cost by developing an effective combination of alternative energy sources” gives a more expanded definition or alternative energy term adding a few more different types of alternative energy sources such as “solar power, industrial batteries, and diesel generators” (Yadavalli, V.S.S., 2020). At the same time a very interesting definition gives the website studentenergy.org. According to this website: “alternative energy refers to energy sources other than fossil fuels. This includes all renewable sources and nuclear” (studentenergy.org, 2020).

    Alternative energy. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2021, from

    Alternative energy. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2021, from

    Yadavalli, V.S.S (2020, December). Minimizing electricity cost by developing an effective combination of alternative energy sources. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering. p.168

  10. The three terms I choose are Energy, Electricity and Bug. I will discuss about Energy because Energy is a common part of our lives without it, we cannot move from one place to another. In the generation of 21st century almost everything surrounded us required energy to perform any task. According to the article Marine Energy by David Kerr “Power can be extracted from the tides by using barrage (or dam) to impound water at high tide and then, as the tides ebbs and when sufficient head difference exists, to let the water out through a turbine to generate electricity” (Kerr et al., 2007, p. 972). As it describes in the article 15 Energy for Life by Andrew Morris “Mitochondria make this energy available for use in the cell. They do this by transferring the energy through a series of chemical reaction of specialized molecules, which then carry the energy to where it’s needed” (Morris et al., 2016, p.153). If we look at another religion Hinduism, the word Energy is defined as “Sakti” Which means “A divine cosmic energy that represents feminine energy and the dynamic forces that move through the universe” (The Editors at Chopra.com, 2018)
    Chopra.com. (2018). Shakti: A Universal Force. The Chopra Center. Retrieved February 22nd, 2021, from chopra.com/article/shakti-universal-force.
    Morris. A. (2016). Why Icebergs Float: Exploring Science in Everyday Life, p.153. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/j.ctt1gxxpgr?refreqid=search -gateway:2d4db6d52cac12d577738c01565954fb.
    Kerr, D. (2007). “Marine Energy” Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 36(1853), 971–992. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2307/25190483?refreqid=search-gateway: aa0203406cf8ffb6d1896b395d54ddf6.

  11. The three terms that I chose to research for this project are cybersecurity, cloud computing and computer networking. From these three terms I am going to focus on cloud computing.

    Example 1:
    cloud computing n. the use of networked facilities for the storage and processing of data rather than a user’s local computer, access to data or services typically being via the internet; cf. grid computing n. at GRID n. Additions.
    1996 Internal Document (Compaq Computer Corp.) 29 Oct. in Technol. Rev. (2011) 31 Oct. Cloud Computing: The Cloud has no Borders.
    2001 N.Y. Times 9 Apr. C6/2 Mr [David] Winer began discussing cloud-computing ideas with several Microsoft developers in 1998.
    2008 Guardian 25 Sept. (Technology section) 6/3 For some people, cloud computing simply means that their stuff is out there on the internet instead of being on a laptop or office server.
    2011 Independent 10 Jan. (Viewspaper section) 12/1 Only 42 per cent of company directors and senior managers across Britain can claim a grasp of what cloud computing is.

    Oxford University Press. (n.d.). Cloud Computing. In Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved March 1, 2021, from https://www-oed-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/Entry/34689?redirectedFrom=cloud+computing#eid189443962

    Example 2:

    “However, in today’s rapidly changing technology, with the transition to the industrial revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) environment, it has opened a new dimension to the world computing. The emergence of cloud computing technology as a new platform for computing has opened the eyes of technology industry players to further benefit from this innovation. Many studies have proven that this technology provides many benefits to the industry and users such as its ability to reduce operating costs, improve collaboration, more secure security levels and more mobile accessibility” (Amron et al., 2021, p.124).

    Amron, M. T., Ibrahim, R., & Bakar, N. A. (2021). Cloud Computing Acceptance Among Public Sector Employees. Telkomnika, 19(1), 124-133. https://doi.org10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v19i1.17883

    Example 3:

    “If your computer crashes, the software is still available for others to use. Same goes for the documents you create; they’re stored on a collection of servers accessed via the Internet. Anyone with permission can not only access the documents, but can also edit and collaborate on those documents in real time. Unlike traditional computing, this cloud computing model isn’t PC-centric, it’s document-centric. Which PC you use to access a document simply isn’t important” (Miller, 2008, p. 26).

    Miller, M. (2008). Cloud computing : Web-based applications that change the way you work and collaborate online [eBook edition]. Indianapolis, Ind: Que. https://archive.org/details/cloudcomputingwe0000mill/page/8/mode/2up?q=cloud+computing

  12. The three terms that I chose for the project is, database, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. I chose artificial intelligence.

    Example 1:
    “The capacity of computers or other machines to exhibit or simulate intelligent behaviour; the field of study concerned with this. Abbreviated AI.”

    Reference: McGraw-Hill. (1977). Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved March 4, 2021, https://www-oed-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/Entry/271625?redirectedFrom=artificial+intelligence#eid

    Example 2:
    “Computer systems that can perform intelligent human tasks, such as decision-making. Intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. In some cases artificial intelligence is applied when a machine mimics cognitive functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as learning and problem-solving.”

    Gorse, C., Johnston, D., & Pritchard, M. (Eds.). (2020). A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering (2 ed.). Retrieved March 4, 2020, from https://www-oxfordreference-com.citytech.ezproxy.cuny.edu/view/10.1093/acref/9780198832485.001.0001/acref-9780198832485-e-8189?rskey=7AdcY1&result=1

    Example 3: “AI Technology connects people to information instantly, solve difficult problems, experience human knowledge and creativity and even entertain people or keeps them company”


    Hulick, K. (2016). Artificial intelligence . Essential Library.

  13. The three terms I chose for my 750-Word Expanded Definition project are network security, data administration, and virtualization. I have selected network security from these three terms because currently, I am taking an Enterprise application class, and I am doing a project about cybersecurity. So, I find this topic interesting since network security is a fragment of cybersecurity. As I am doing my project, I can gain more knowledge if I research more about it. According to the book Aspects of Network and Information Security by James McCabe, “In the traditional approach to network security, malicious attacks are often described as Byzantine (in the context of consensus agreement and distributed computations). Byzantine attacks, [11], do not follow any particular pattern and therefore Intrusion Detection mechanisms may fail to detect them.” Another definition I find from Research Methods for Cyber Security, is “Network security is defined here as the protection of networks and their services from unauthorized access, modification, destruction, or disclosure.” From the article Collaborative network security in multi-tenant data center for cloud computing stays, “OpenFlow is an open standard that is able to provide simplified and convenient design of complex network security applications and their integration into large networks.”


    J. Reuvid (Ed.).(2004). Secure Online Business Handbook (3rd ed., pp.226). Kogan Page. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX3471300002/GVRL?u=cuny_nytc&sid=GVRL&xid=ae2ace0a

    Z. Chen, W. Dong, H. Li, P. Zhang, X. Chen and J. Cao. (Feb. 2014). Collaborative network security in multi-tenant data center for cloud computing. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 19(1), 82-94. https://doi.org/10.1109/TST.2014.6733211

    NATO, A. S. I. O. N., North, A. T. O., NATO, S. F. P. A. S. (2008). Aspects of network and information security. E. Kranakis, et al’s. (Ed.). IOS Press.

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