To: Prof. Jason Ellis

From: Remonda Mikhael


Subject: Next Generation Network


In the document titled Next/New Generation Networks Services and Management it talks how this particular network is able to provide many services such as Telecommunications. I’ll be discussing how Next Generation Networks can handle multiple type of service and how it changed in the telecommunications fields. This network wasn’t always in place before Next Generation Networks (NGN) Traditional Network was the go-to instead. This network was mainly used on “some fixed functions means dedicated network devices such as Switch and Router, MPLS switch, Ethernet switch etc and most of the network types are traditional network which are still in uses at organizations and enterprises.” (Jena, 2020).

Definition of NGN

As stated in the article Next Generation Network is “a packet- based network able to provide services including Telecommunications Services and able to make use of multiple broadband, QoS-enabled transport technologies and in which service-related functions are independent from underlying transport-related technologies” (Bertin & Yahia, n.d). I believe that Bertin and Yahia are saying that Next Generation Network is not just a technology it’s also a concept. Dowden, Gitlin and Martin stated that “ Next-generation network provide a platform for rapid service creation, by incorporating intelligence in separate standards- based networks servers that build on rapid technological advances in service-enabling software, software- controlled switching, client/server computing, and new database/ directory systems”. The main purpose of this network is to supply a single technology platform. A lot of people wonder exactly how you define Next Generartion Service in the article it’s defines as “…which are basically an advanced telecommunication services. Here is after a brief survey about the latest service meanings in telecommunications fields: Telemanagement Forum (TMF) defines services as following “Services are developed by a service provider for sale within products. The same service may be used as a component in multiple products, packaged differently with different pricing”” (Bertin & Yahia, n.d). This is basically saying that Next Generation Network can be used with not just one product but multiple.


In a blog written by Scoot Reeves from the Data Center speaks on how Next Generation Networks impact our community. He also speaks about the IP multimedia service. In the blog he wrote “…Next Generation Networks are packet-switched and use IP at the network layer. The centre of the network is the IP multimedia service (IMS). This provides an independent platform through which access services such as 4G can use the network. The principle idea is to have seamless communication; people can be connected anywhere and anytime” (Reeves, 2013).  What he is trying to say is the cell phones is powered by this network where family and friends can communicate with each other. In today society company are always trying to be better than the next or who whey were before. Next Generation Network is the key way “ The communications network as a whole has evolved from voice telecom, which was developed to ensure stability by being essentially monolithic, to IP networks focused primarily on data transmission. The network of the future will deliver the telecom industry’s traditional stability across a much broader range of capabilities, but this stability will be in large part due to a dynamic, adaptive architecture.” (Communication , N.d). This network was made to better the world today and move on from traditional network.


In the Computer Information Technology/ networking, they have a lot of responsibilities that they must perform. In this job field network engineer design new network solutions and improve network that are already in place. Paying attention to the faults that be happening in the network and managing the new network equipment to the latest firmware that was releases is another responsibility for network engineer. They also provide certain security to protect their network. As a someone in Information Technology some responsibilities to ensure that the company worked have been saved in the system, they will perform a data backup. Another responsibility is monitoring Wi-Fi and LAN/WAN to make sure its at the full coverage and nothing is messing up. Providing helpdesk support such as remote access into their technology to ensure the customer is getting the best help.


Jena, S. (2020, August 17). Difference between next generation network and traditional network. Retrieved March 07, 2021, from,Traditional%20Network%20is%20TDM%20based.&text=It%20uses%20different%20control%20and,to%20support%20different%20multimedia%20services.

Reeves, S. (2013, June 9). Key features of Next Generation NetworksSc5 [Web log post]. Retrieved March 07, 2021, from

Communication, F. N. (n.d.). Next-Generation Networks [Web log post]. Retrieved March 07, 2021, from

TO: Prof. Ellis

FROM: Remonda Mikhael

DATE: 3/3/2021

Summary of Article About Ternary Optical Computers Construction by wang ‘s, zang’s.

The following is a 500-Word summary of a peer-review article about “Ternary Optical”. The authors go into detail about the construction and theories of ternary computers by explaining how the theory and how they were tested and what were the results. 

Optical computers were gaining more attention because of the speed and power they operate at and the first ternary optical computer was proposed by Jin et al. Several theories and additions were added to the construction of the first ternary optical computer.  What had to be determined was how fast the quality of service would be which can only be tested once the construction was complete. This article will explain the four-stage design of the ternary optical computer. The remainder of this article will explain how the systems work, which algorithms used, and future potential direction it can take.

The ternary computer is broken up to three sections, each handling specific functions that also the computer to operate sufficiently. What makes this computer different from others is that it can process multiple inputs at once, reconfigure itself to understand the user’s request, and there is plenty of space in the processor to run complex algorithms. Queueing theory which is used to measure the speed of how fast the computer can operate which there are several different ways this is tested in different locations, which all of these tests are used to test this ternary optical computer. 

Two novel strategies will be presented: immediate scheduling and computing accomplished scheduling and how they are used. According to the authors, “Under the IS strategy, the data bits of the optical processor are equally divided into n parts and each part corresponds to a small optical processor that can be independently used” (Xianchao Wang et al., 9 February 2019, p.6243). It does this by sending data to unoccupied processors to so the operations can be done quickly. 

The other strategy is computing accomplished scheduling which happens after the request has been computed. This is done to make sure all requests are operated simultaneously. This is just by sending small bits of data to the processor first, then larger bits to the processor. The requests are received by the receiving server to transferred to preprocessing service to be process into a tri-value logic operator. The information received are done in a first-come-first-served basis which is then send to processor to translates the request into computer language and begins working on the requests.

The scheduling strategies and batch size has a direct result for various service processes. Using both strategies can increase the arrive time for results to be output because there are four stages each request must undergo before the request has been completed, but the increase in response time doesn’t increase dramatically because the system operates requests in parallel, so the delay is only affected minorly. Since all requests are not only operated in parallel, but are also broken into four smaller processors which is why the operating speed is quick for ternary optical computers.


Wang X., Wang X., Zhang S., Gao S., Zhang M., Zhang J. & Xu Z. (2019). Response time of a ternary optical computer that is based on queuing systems. The Journal of Supercomputing, 76, 6238–6257.