Mamadou’s Expended Definition of Electromagnetism

TO: Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM: Mamadou M. Bah

DATE: October 14, 2020

SUBJECT: Expended Definition of Electromagnetism


The purpose of this document is to write a 750-1000-Word expended definition of Electromagnetism. I will, first, find definitions of Electromagnetism from two different sources and use them for the document. Second, I will quote a contextual use of the term from an online source and explain it. Finally, I will define the term on my own words.


In the article “Electricity and Magnetism” published in 2008 by Global Media, the author writes that “Electromagnetics (EM) or electromagnetism is a branch of physics or engineering in which electric and magnetic phenomena are studied. It may be regarded as the study of interactions between electric charges at rest and in motion” (Tayal, 2008, P. 746). According to the Authors, in physics, there is a branch that is called Electromagnetism also known as Electromagnetics that study the relationship of electricity and magnetism. This study is based on how moving electrical charges interact with charges that are at rest. Electromagnetism is divided into two elements, electricity and magnetism. Electricity is the study of moving electrical charges and Magnetism is the study of “magnetic phenomena”. The combination of these two terms, electricity and magnetism, is called electromagnetism. There are other definitions of the term from different sources.

Another definition of Electromagnetism comes from the article “Northern Lights to Death Rays: How Electromagnetism Haunts our Everyday Life” published by Global English in 2017. In the article, Electromagnetism is referred as “Electromagnetism was first discovered in the 19th century, when scientists recognized that the interaction of electrical currents and magnets could make objects move without touching” (Global English, 2017, P.1). The author argues that scientists discovered electromagnetism in the 19th century. They realized at that time that objects could moves without people touching them due to the interaction of electrical currents and magnets. The two definitions are almost the same thing. If we look at both definitions, we see that electromagnetism is based on the interaction of the two terms electricity and magnetism or magnet.


The term electromagnetism or electromagnetic is used in many different contexts. One example of the contextual usage of the term is on the article “Simple Models of Magnetism “, published in 2008. The author writes that “During the last 100 years, magnetism has made a giant step forward. By the second half of the nineteenth century, Maxwell’s equations had established the relation between different electromagnetic fields, and scientists and engineers were aware of the dipolar character of magnetostatic forces and interactions.”(Skomski, 2008, P. 349). In this quote, the term magnetism describes is referred as electromagnetism. It is also used as “electromagnetism field” which represent field lines created by magnetic materials and “magnetostatics forces” which represent the force that magnetic materials exercise to other material that surround them. Another use of the word is from this article “Patentable Subject Matter: What is the Matter with Matter?”. The author argues that “First, the words ‘electromagnetic signals’ and ‘electromagnetism’ are used interchangeably in this paper. The phrase ‘electromagnetic signals’ is often used when the ‘electromagnetism’ is not stationary, but is instead transmitted” (Dolly, Steven, 2010, P. 1). In this part, the author states that electromagnetism is referred as “electromagnetic signals” where electromagnetism produces a signal that is in motion. This shows us that electromagnetism can create signal. The term is used most of the time before another name such are “electromagnetic force”, “electromagnetic field” or “electromagnetic signals”.

Working Definition

Electromagnetism is the part of physics that study the relationships between electricity and magnetism. Therefore, it is important to know what electricity and magnetism are, and the role they play in electromagnetism. When electrical charges move in a material, it is called electricity. When these charges move, they move with a force that can attract or repulse other charges that are close to them. The materials the charges move in, also create an electric field around them. So, when a material is electrified, it becomes a magnet. Magnetics materials have electrical properties. So, they are related. Electromagnetism has been very important in the development of electricity. Magnetism is used to produce electricity. For example, electric machines use magnetism to produce electricity or use it. Transformers also use electromagnetism to transform electrical powers to different level of power that are needed. Therefore, electricity and magnetism are interrelated.


Tayal, D.C. (2008). Electricity and Magnetism. Global Media,ProQuest Ebook Central,

(October 31, 2017 Tuesday). Northern lights to death rays: how electromagnetism haunts our everyday lifeGlobal English (Middle East and North Africa Financial Network). https://advance-lexis-com.

Skomski, R. (2008). Simple models of magnetism. ProQuest Ebook Central

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