TO: Professor Ellis

FROM: Alvin Ferreira

DATE: September 22,2020

SUBJECT: 500-Word Summary

This is a 500-word summary of ” AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF IOT BASED APPLICATIONS” by Devendra Kumar that discusses the effects that IoT will provide over time to businesses, home and building owners, cities, transportation and the environment.  The IoT basically is a system that has the ability to transfer data over the network without the need for human –to- human or computer –to- human interaction. Internet of things may obtain data from various segment or they could be involved in different administrations.

      According to Devendra Kumar, IoT will improve urban communities reassuring open traffic reducing business security and protecting population. IoT will include transport framework, human service framework, climate control framework that will provide access to airport, rail and transit data from local sites for transmission. The Internet will provide a smart building management framework that will consist of big data source that office managers could monitor the use of energy. A smart grid will control two-way exchanges between supplier and buyers. Smart grit key data and matching innovation elements will include progress detection and monitoring for management streams; a base station computerized for to transmit information via the Internet.

Then; afterwards Devendra Kumar speaks upon Smart Health that was created for hospital’s use to monitor patients’ physical condition with IoT. The IoT will use sensors to collect all physical data, in order to test and store data, and send remote information to do later testing and reviews. Smart Health uses mechanism to secure confident sensor health information distribution, use complex calculation to break up information share it with physicians via remote network.

    Further on, Devendra Kumar explains how smart mobility and transportation will be managed by the IoT application to apply the standards of purchase and research participation.  The smart mobility and transportation arrangement was implemented with a variety of capabilities, e.g. testing for Li-on batteries, remote control with online troubleshooting and a fault-free ad covering supports costs.

      We are told about how Smart factory will help to integrate other feature, including computer-based logic, machine learning and computer information tracking tasks, and to coordinate assembly process with M2M. The M2M keys chosen through the “Mechanical” sections will place a heavy emphasis on smart factory line and key concept data. Smart factory Mechanical processes will include less time support, less obscurity and less efficiency on spare. There have been numerous inquires about efforts to tackle natural pollution and waste. IoT research can provide a compelling method to communicate the resources of each of these sensors and to highlight the choice of suitable alternative to those sources of use. IoT innovation can monitor and manage air quality and gather information from urban areas.

Devendra Kumar ends by explaining how IoT is an innovation that connects things to people and the web. Furthermore, that it requires a structured approach for designing, accrediting, certifying programs, conference and events, each with a single and specific use.


Kumar, Devendra.(2020) AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF IOT BASED APPLICATION. Acta Technica Corvininesis-Bulletin of Engineering. Vol 13 Issue 1, 73-78.

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