Opportunity: Arizona State University Climate Fiction Contest

I recently received an email about this very cool fiction writing contest sponsored by Arizona State University. If you enjoy writing stories, consider writing one (or using one that you have already written) that in some way relates to climate issues and send to this contest. The prizes are nice, and winning would be a nice addition to anyone’s resume.

In general, consider submitting to writing opportunities and contests. Investigate who is running the contest and focus on no-fee submissions in most cases. There’s no entrance fee and its sponsored by a prestigious school.

Hello all! I’m writing to share that the Imagination and Climate Futures Initiative at Arizona State University recently launched our third Everything Change global climate fiction writing contest.

We’re looking for short stories of 5000 words or less, across all genres. The first place winner will be awarded $1000, and nine finalists will receive prizes of $100. There is no entry fee, and the contest is open to anyone age 18 or older, anywhere in the world.

The winner and finalists will be published in our third Everything Change digital anthology, which will be free to read and share. The submission deadline is April 15, 2020. Our lead judge is Claire Vaye Watkins, winner of the New York Public Library Young Lions Fiction Award and author of the acclaimed climate fiction novel Gold Fame Citrus

Opportunity: City Tech’s New Writing Center

When you need help with your writing in our class or another, I would recommend in addition to seeing me during office hours, you should visit City Tech’s new Writing Center. When you visit, come prepared with the assignment that you are working on and some of your writing for the assignment. Bring something to write with and on. The Writing Center helps you improve your writing ability through one-on-one help. They aren’t an editing/copy editing service. Writing Centers follow the principle behind this proverb: “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Location: LG-27

Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10am-6:30pm and Fri. 10am-3pm

Assignment: 2nd Lecture and Reading Summary

I wanted to thank everyone for being on time and ready to learn some more about Science Fiction and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

Above, I’ve embedded a video of the second lecture. It covers the continuation of the Mary Shelley lecture started in the first video lecture and it concludes with the overview of the list of science fiction definitions.

Before our class on Feb. 19, add a comment to this post of at least 250 words that summarizes the lecture and your reading of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Remember, you only need to show best effort. Write about what you think is most important from the lecture. Write about how you might describe what you’ve read in Frankenstein to a friend. The goal is to look back at your notes, think about them, and write brief summaries of the lecture and reading. You should see if your comment posts correctly. If in doubt, reload the page and confirm that it posts. If not, copy-and-paste your writing again and click “Post Comment” and then confirm.

Some reminders:

  • Make notes of your reading in your notebook. The kinds of things that I keep notes on of my readings include: character names, plot points, settings, words and their definitions, etc.
  • If you want to read and then make notes after reading, you might write a summary of your reading by volume, chapter, etc.
  • Again, I’m not looking for a particular way of your keeping notes as long as you are making notes in some way that are useful to you.
  • Aim to have Frankenstein completed before class on Feb. 19 when we meet next.
  • If you have any questions, email me at jellis at citytech.cuny.edu.

Assignment: First Weekly Summary and Personal Introduction

Since we’re just starting the class, this first writing assignment is much lower stakes than those that follow. For this first assignment, write a comment to this blog post that introduces yourself to me and your classmates, and that summarizes what I talked about in lecture and what you read before our next class.

For this first assignment, please spend more writing on yourself and tell us your major, your career goals, and your background/interest in Science Fiction. You can include your favorite SF or maybe what introduced you to SF. Then, briefly write about what I discussed in lecture (only a sentence or two) and what you are reading (again, only a sentence or two is necessary–but be sure to include the title, author’s full name, publication year, and something about what you’ve read so far–e.g., or for example, “So far, the book is about Walton sailing on a voyage of discovery and then his encounter with a man marooned on a floating piece of ice named Victor Frankenstein, who tells Walton about how he came to be there.”

It should be at least 250 words long. This is about 1 page, double spaced worth of writing. If you have the time and energy to write more, I highly encourage it as the 250-word mark is a minimal length. Looking ahead, there might be some weeks that you only write 250 words and others you might want to write more based on your reaction to the lectures and the readings.

These weekly writing assignments are based on best effort. If the word count is met and there are sufficient details, you will receive full credit for that week’s assignment. If the word count is low and/or the writing has too many empty words–meaning not focused on the task of summarizing lecture and readings–less credit will be received.

I STRONGLY suggest writing your weekly summary in a word processor like Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Google Docs first, so that your work is saved somewhere else. Then, copy-and-paste your writing into the comment box below this post (remember to click on the post’s title and scroll down the subsequent page to find the comment box). Finally, click the “Post Comment” button and wait for visual confirmation that your post was successful.

Always keep a copy of your work saved elsewhere in case your comment disappears from OpenLab for whatever reason. To check how many comments you have made over the semester, you can easily do so by going to our OpenLab site > Mouseover the title of the site at the top of the page > Click on Dashboard > Click on Comments on the left > type in your name in the search box on the right > Click “Search Comments.” The number of “approved” comments will appear under your name in the list.

Opportunity: Literary Arts Festival

One thing that I like to recommend to all students is to enter writing competitions. Whether you consider yourself a writer or not, entering and potentially winning a prize in a writing competition gives you important accolades that you can include on a resume, talk about during an interview, and prove to potential employers that you are an effective communicator (which is one of the MOST sought after qualifications in any field). Don’t sell yourself short–enter these contests with your work from class or writing that you’ve done on your own. Sometimes you will win and a lot of times you will lose. However, if you never enter, you obviously stand zero chance of winning anything, so please consider entering your work in writing competitions.

City Tech has a long-running competition built into the annual Literary Arts Festival. The deadline is March 1 for submissions. Details are available here.

Welcome to Science Fiction!

Hello! I’m Professor Ellis and I’m leading our ENG2420 E573 class this Spring 2020 semester. I hope that you’re as excited about Science Fiction as I am or at least curious about what Science Fiction is! In our class, we’ll learn about the development of Science Fiction over time while reading and watching some of the most important examples of the genre. Today, we will go over the syllabus and assignments, and we will begin with the first lecture. If due to circumstances class needs to end early, I am posting a video of the lecture below (I might not be able to include all lectures in video format).