Extra Credit Opportunity: Resume Workshop

This is a great practical workshop on resume building. If you participate, you can earn extra credit by writing at least 250 words about what you learned, or by sending me a perfectly polished resume that you made at the workshop (this has to be a new or revised resume–not one that you have lying around). Details and RSVP email address below:

Résumé Writing workshops
Your first contact with a potential employer is your resume. Join us at one of these workshops to spruce up your resume and cover letter so you can make a lasting impression.

Conducted by Professor Keith Muchowski
Tuesday, 1 May 2018, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Wednesday, 2 May 2018, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Room: Library A441
Rsvp: kmuchowski@citytech.cuny.edu

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