Beginning of Class Writing, Background Research Memo

For today’s beginning of class writing, you will write a memo that provides a colleague with background resources relevant to the article that you read for today’s class. Its purpose is to help them learn about the people, company, and keywords found in the article. You will gain some additional experience working with APA and using library research tools.

Before you begin, scan your article and circle keywords (terminology and technical terms), company names, and the names of people referenced in the article. Your article might have examples from all of these categories, or it might only have one or two. All articles will have keywords.

Next, begin a new memo following this format:

TO: [Write the name of someone sitting next to you]

FROM: [Your name]


SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

One sentence description of this memo’s purpose in your own words.

One sentence summary of the article–incorporate in the sentence or in parenthesis the article’s title, author, and magazine.

APA citation for your magazine article using this format: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.

An example: Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today’s schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

One sentence explaining that the following three links provide background reading for better understanding the article above.

[Use the Infotrac Newsstand through the Library’s website to search for articles based on three things you circled in your article. I would recommend using one circled word for each citation below. When you find an article, click on the title and then click on citation tools on the right, choose APA and copy-and-paste the citation below.]

APA citation for one article.

APA citation for second article.

APA citation for third article.

9 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing, Background Research Memo

  1. NawiesniakP

    TO: Jennifer Travinski

    FROM: Paulina Nawieśniak

    DATE: September 26, 2017

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    This memo is intended to give background research information about therapeutic massage and it’s benefit.

    The Shape Magazine published an article titled, “Unlock your muscle power” by Sara Angle, and it focuses on the importance of therapeutic massages and how our bodies benefit from them, especially after a workout, when our muscles need recovery.

    Angle, S. (2017, July/August). Unlock your muscle power. Shape, Volume 36 (No. 10), 104-108.

    The below links provide a better understanding of this specific article, including a more detailed explanation of some particular information.

    ReEvolve your health, wellness. (2017, September 27). Ballina Shire Advocate [Ballina, Australia], p. 37. Retrieved from

    Chemotherapy pain could be eased by jetlag drug, study suggests. (2017, September 23). European Union News. Retrieved from

    “Method for Indirect Sns Advertising and Server for Same” in Patent Application Approval Process (USPTO 20170255954). (2017, September 30). Marketing Weekly News, 229. Retrieved from

  2. Ronald Hinds

    Ronald C. Hinds September 26, 2017

    Professor: Jason Ellis

    ENG 1133 Specialized Communications for Technology Students

    TO: Tunde

    FROM: Ronald C. Hinds

    DATE: September 26, 2017

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    The purpose of this memo is to inform you that according to Amy Nordrum, the author of “A Language for the Internet of Underwater Things,” written in the IEEE Spectrum magazine; the first international standard for underwater acoustic communications has been established and also, to let you know of background resources relevant to this article.


    •Milica Sojanovic

    •Acoustic signal

    •Lingua franca

    Note that the following three (3) links are sources for background reading for better understanding of the above captioned article.

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology Assigned Patent. (2013, May 30). Targeted News Service. Retrieved, on 09/26/2017 from:

    Bose Updates Its Most-Loved Headphones. (2017, September 21). PR Newswire. Retrieved from

    Lingua Franca. (2013, January 24). UWIRE Text, p. 1. Retrieved, on 09/26/2017 from:


    Nordrum, Amy (2017, September 17). A language for the internet of underwater things. IEEE Spectrum, 54(9), 09-10.

  3. Jen Travinski

    TO: Paulina Nawiesniak

    FROM: Jennifer Travinski

    DATE: September 26, 2017

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    This memo will briefly discuss the history of the slinky toy and why it’s still popular today.

    The article “Benchmark Spring Fling” by Jonathan Keats in Wired is about how, during WWII, a naval engineer named Richard James saw a coil of galvanized steel fall out of a box and turned it into a wildly popular children’s toy that has remained popular to this day because of its simplicity.

    Keats, J. (2017, September). Benchmark spring fling. Wired, 50.

    The following three links provide additional background reading for better understanding of the article above.

    “How to prevent white rust.” (2017, September 8). Web News Wire. Retrieved from

    “Researchers Submit Patent Application, ‘Electric Power Steering Device and Method for Assembling the Same’, for Approval (USPTO 20170253264).” Energy Weekly News. (2017, September 24). p. 1258. Infotrac Newsstand. Retrieved from
    &asid=8c88b886e6aa9f1a2e40eefac99d215c. Accessed 26 Sept. 2017.

    “The Slinky.” Fallon, Katy. Financial Times. (2017, May 6). p. 19. Infotrac Newsstand. Retrieved from 7a927e25d43365c47679bbf1c502ae6. Accessed 26 Sept. 2017.

  4. Mei,Huakang


    FROM : Huakang

    DATE: 09/26/2017

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    The purpose of this memo is to inform you which smartphone is safer to use and you will not easily expose your personal information to the public.



    Lucinda Shen, ( 2017,) Which Phone Protects Your Security the Best? We Asked the Experts. Time.

    The three article that I provide below are the article that shows how Iphone is a little bit safer to use than an android phone because an android phone is easier to hack in. One article is about the applications that you can use in your cellphone to protect your personal informations.

    Hickins, M. (2007). iPhone safety risk. Eweek, 24(37), 12.

    Reisinger, D. (2017). 10 Apps That Protect Users’ iPhones and Safeguard Data. Eweek, 1.

    PATTERSON, B. (2017). 5 alternative (and easier) ways to unlock your Android phone. Pcworld, 35(4), 136-140.

  5. leslie

    TO: Zinab Adam

    FROM: Leslie Bonilla

    DATE: 9.26.17

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    In the article, Nature, by Jane Palmer, titled, “Creeping Catastrophes” , she discusses scientists action in using advanced technology to monitor global landslides.

    With the advanced technologies now developed , scientists are researching global landslides and what may trigger certain landslides to have a high fast impact versus the slow motion landslides that’s slowly destroying lands and lives.

    Palmer, J. (2017, August 24). Creeping catastrophes. Nature, 548(7668), 384-386.

    The following three links are provided for background reading for a better understanding of the article above.

    Article 1:
    Sentinel Imagery Now Works Inside ArcGIS. (2016, May 25). ENP Newswire. Retrieved from

    Article 2:
    Seismic Zones, River Deltas, Landslides, Fossil Reptiles, and More New Geology Science. (2012, March 6). Targeted News Service. Retrieved from

    Article 3:
    Creeping earth could hold secret to deadly landslides. (2017, August 26). Premium Official News. Retrieved from

  6. Christian B.

    TO: Mr. Blank

    FROM: Christian Baque

    DATE: September 26, 2017

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    This memo is a brief summary of the article by Patty Cooke stating how robotics club help special needs student build their confidence which appeared in Techdirections, January 2017.

    In this article “Robotics Team Helps Build Confidence For Special Needs Students” which appeared in Techdirections, January 2017 we are shown how Pauline Tatum used a new way of showing special needs students confidence by using robotics as a helper, a tool used was TETRIX PRIME since they have difficulties using screws.

    Cooke, P (January 2017). Robotics Team Helps Build Confidence for Special Needs Students. Techdirections, Vol. 76, No. 5, page 22 to 23

    The three links below will assist you to better understand the article that i stated above with key details stated in article.

    Every Robot Needs a PULSE(TM). (2017, September 12). PR Newswire. Retrieved from

    3-D Printing Club to build recycling program. (2017, September 25). UWIRE Text, p. 1.Retrieved from

    RMIT success at robotics competition. (2017, September 25). Premium Official News. Retrieved from

  7. Nikka

    TO: Creunis

    FROM: Nikka Rosenstein

    DATE: 9/26/2017

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    This is in regards to incremental A/B testing best practices and terminologies for planning our own implementation.

    “The Surprising Power of Online Experiments,” by Ron Kohavi and Stegan Thomke, out of Harvard Business Review, is the best starting point as a comprehensive explanation of pros, cons, and best practices.

    Kohavi, R., & Thomke, S. (2017, September/October). The surprising power of online experiments. Harvard Business Review, 95(5), 74-82.

    The below links concern specific usages of A/B testing in the current market from which we can draw brainstorming inspiration.

    7 A/B Testing Tools To Help You With Conversions. (2015, February 8). Retrieved from

    Evergage Named a Top-Rated A/B Testing and Personalization Tool by Software Users on TrustRadius. (2017, April 18). PR Newswire. Retrieved from

    ShareThis Launches First Free A/B Testing Tool for Publishers Tailored for Facebook. (2017, April 10). PR Newswire. Retrieved from

  8. G James Mitchell

    TO: Arnold

    FROM: James Mitchell

    DATE: 09/26/2017

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    I’d like to offer you a few more resources that support information about Philadelphia’s progressive economy.

    Inc Magazine offered the article “Find you future in Philadelphia,” where author James Burns describes Philadelphia as one of the top ten cities in America for start ups, due to the growing innovation and city tax incentives.

    Find your future in Philadelphia (2017, September) Inc. Magazine, 112-123.

    The following three links provide background reading for better understanding the article above.

    Tropical Smoothie Cafe Targets Philadelphia for Expansion. (2017, September 11). India Retail News. Retrieved from

    Curalate Launches Curalate Showroom to Bring Commerce to Consumers Anywhere. (2017, August 5). Marketing Weekly News, 88. Retrieved from

    Penn and Comcast Announce First Winner of Comcast Pennovation Challenge. (2017, July 25). Targeted News Service. Retrieved from

  9. zina

    DATE: September 26, 2017

    SUBJECT: Background Research Memo

    I am writing this memo to emphasize the important factors to consider in measuring and rating a facility’s effect on its occupants’ wellbeing and how it could be used to develop the ideal design that satisfy the various needs of a building’s occupants.
    The FM Journal mentioned those factors and also some studies to better define occupants’ wellbeing in which is defined as being a combination of health, comfort and happiness in the relation to the indoor environment. In addition to the social return on investment techniques that used to measure the wider concept of value of a facility.

    Model building (2017, May). Facilities Management Journal, (25/5), 38-40.

    The following three links provide background reading for better understanding the Model building and its occupants’ wellbeing.

    APA citation for one article:
    Patent Issued for Active Emergency Exit Systems for Buildings (USPTO 9761096). (2017, September 29). Entertainment Newsweekly, 297. Retrieved from

    APA citation for second article:
    Benefits of Controlling humidity levels within the workplace. (2017, August 31). European Union News. Retrieved from

    APA citation for third article:
    Reporting on the Real Value of Social Investment. (2017, June 28). Scoop Media. Retrieved from


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