Author Archives: Fernando Rivera

“We Are Blessed To Have Them in Our Lives”

Hello my name is Fernando Rivera. I am a student attending NYCCT. It is my first semester here at City Tech. I am studying to become an architect. I am one of the first in my family to be attending a four year college. During my high school career, I was a decent student. I would never get myself into trouble, always attended class, and never gave my teachers a hard time. I was the quiet type in school. I was not that popular as well. I don’t honestly like to hangout in huge crowds. I made friends that I had some things in common. I met some amazing teachers. I also befriended some teachers that teach math and that love soccer, two of my favorite things in the world. Despite meeting such great teachers, I always thought that school was not for me. I love to learn new things and research it in depth on my own. The school environment was something I just did not like because it is no fun to sit in a classroom. During high school, I was very hesitant to apply to college. I always thought that school was not for me. That all changed when my mother had told me that I should attend college. My mother is the reason why I am attending college today. My mother is such a great influence for me and has a positive impact on my life. This piece is dedicated to my loving mother.

My mother was born and raised in Mexico. To me she seemed to have a harsh childhood, but to her it was a “normal” childhood. She grew up as the percentage of people that lived below poverty rate back in Mexico. She only has a 3rd grade education as I was told. My grandfather had the mentality that school would not move the family forward and education would hold back the family because of the fact that it would be a waste of time and money, which the family did not have at the time. My grandmother thought the complete opposite. She knew however that the family did not have money to send her kids to school. Soon after, the family had started to grow crops on the territory that my great-grandfather had owned. My mother grew up with 5 other siblings. The family suffered tragedies along the way. My grandmother had lost about five other children due to many different reasons such as miscarries and accidents. I learned that mother had suffered so much. I learned to be grateful to be alive and to live life no matter how the odds are against you.

At the age of 17, my mother had decided to travel up north towards the United States. She became the first to take such a daring decision. She arrived to New York. She worked in a factory for some years. She would save up money to send to my grandparents so that they can somewhat rely on an income. By the age of 18, she had saved up money that she purchased some land that my grandfather owned and started to build her own house there. I knew my grandparents were proud of her because she somewhat started to move the family up on the social ladder. After seeing her progress, her other siblings started to follow her in her footsteps except for one of her brothers. From her experience, I learned that sometimes in life one has to take decisions that seem almost impossible to see changes. I myself would have never taken such a decision, but my mother did. This is a life lesson that my mother had taught me. It is also something I will always apply to my life.

At the age of 18, she had met my father. I cannot honestly remember where exactly in New York they met. Fast forward time a bit, they had four children. My parents never got married. Until this day I do not know why. They’ve been together for over 15 years. I appreciate everything they have done for me. They worked hard to get to the point where they are now. My life seems to be good. I have nothing to complain about. But there is something in particular that my mother is doing that I appreciate her more every day.

Time with my family has been great growing up. I thought my parents were perfect. I thought my family was perfect. That was until now that is… A few years back, my father fell to alcoholism. I see that as a misfortune and not as a “disease”. My father would arrive home intoxicated from work, but never angry to the point he would cause any harm to my mother, my siblings, and myself. Growing up I thought it was part of life. I did not see any harm nor did I have the capacity to understand that at such a young age. My mother had dealt with my father and his misfortune for many years. I know my mother loves my father but I know it got to the point where she could not take it. I know that because I’ve seen it so many times with my own eyes that now it bothers me. I would get angry and frustrated with him. When he would be home, I would only have small talk with him.  My mother would speak to him on many occasions but he said “I promise I’ll change. I got myself into this and I’ll get myself out.” I got tired of waiting to see this change. It would get to the point where it made my mother cry. That is something I cannot bear to watch it because of the fact that it would make me feel awful and helpless. My mother has been strong and has been holding back so many tears throughout her life.

I appreciate and love my mother so much because she did not abandon her children. She stayed with us because she loves her kids more than she loves her self.