Advanced Technology BY: Rahat Ahmed

Rahat Ahmed
Professor Ellis
English 1101
Advanced Technology
On September 4, 1998 one of the most advanced technology called Google was created in Menlo Park, California. Google has been very convenient and accommodating in many ways. For one, in a way Google has helped many with spelling difficult words. . Google maps has helped many people save valuable time. Overall Google has made a lot of peoples lives easier because of its advanced technology.
For starters, Google’s advanced technology has made things more convenient and accommodating. Google Latitude, for example is one of the most imposing but a very helpful GPS tracker that I have seen on certain smart phones. Google Latitude shows where you are on a map to whoever you allow to see it. My mom is a very loving women but at times she can be very strict as well. My mom gets very worried every time I come home late, which is very often so one day she told me to download Google Latitude so that she can track me at all given times. My mom simply loves the app and it has certainly made her life much easier because Google Latitude shows her where I am at all times.

Another reason, Google has been very helpful in terms of spelling big words and overall grasping knowledge. Not only that but it can help one improve on their out knowledge. Based on research from entrepreneur Neil Patel, Google generally does help people improve their basic out knowledge. For example, say someone asks you “Do you know where New Zealand is located? You might not know but with the touch of a button you can easily search it up on Google and it will tell you exactly where New Zealand is located. Another good example is, lets say you have a big spelling bee coming up soon and you want prepare yourself for any big word that comes your way, you can easily go to Google and type In some big words that you think might be on the list. Google is a great website to study for any possible thing, I’m really not surprised to see how easy life can be with Google by your side. Not only is Google convenient in terms of helping grasp out knowledge but it also can help people save valuable time.

Google maps for example, is an application created by Google to save valuable time and make things more convenient overall. For example it can help you avoid traffic. I personally love Google Maps because ever since I got a car its all I have been using to get to my destinations and it’s a life saver. You can never go wrong with using Google Maps especially when your on a long drive simply because as your driving the app alerts you every time there’s an accident on your route so that you can avoid it and take a faster route. I remember this one time I was on my way to Syracuse and my phone lost its signal, I didn’t panic at all because I knew since I already have Google Maps out on my phone it will still give me directions and help me reach my destination on time.
Although some people might argue that Google reduces our intelligence or impairs our memory, I completely disagree. For starters there has been research done and it shows how Google has effected the human brain in a good way . According to my research , “The advent of the Internet, with sophisticated algorithmic search engines, has made accessing information as easy as lifting a finger, the report says. No longer do we have to make costly efforts to find the things we want” this quote clearly shows how convenient Google really is. When you have the tools at your disposal why not use it to its full potential?. There will always be people that might disagree with you on certain topics but that shouldn’t affect you in any sort of way.

I interviewed one of my peers named “Rafi and I asked him a few questions related to this topic. I asked him questions such as “How do you feel about the modern day technologies such as Google?. He replied saying “ well for me personally its very convenient because I drive Uber for a living and I am always on Google Maps which saves me time and in the real world time is money”. Second question “ What do you think Google would be like in the near future ?. “ I honestly think Google would surpass every other website due it advanced resources such as satellites”. Third question “ If you ever had the chance to work for Google would you take the job or decline it ?. “ Are out of your freaking mind, of course I would take the job, its been a long time dream of mine to become rich and working for Google would literally make my life”.
This particular interview was very interesting. I sat down with my dad and I asked him a few question about the modern day technologies and the first question that I asked him was “ How different would have your life been if you had access to the modern day technologies as you were growing up?. To which my dad replied with a cheeky grin on his face “ I don’t think I would be married to your mother if I had access to Face book”. I couldn’t help but laugh because I know how much my dad really loves my mom. The second question that I asked him was “What did you guys do for fun since you didn’t have access to the Internet growing up?. “Well growing up all I did for fun was hang out with my close friends because nothing beats spending quality time with your loved ones”. As I was interviewing my dad I was thinking to myself, only if our current generation perceived life like my dad did in his youth. The third and last question that I asked my dad was “ Do you think we are being controlled by technologies”. “ Absolutely, I mean lets take you for example every time I see you, you are always on your phone and when ever you’re not on your phone you’re either on you’re laptop are watching television so yea I do think people are controlled by the modern day technologies”.

To sum it all up this particular essay is about how the usage of Google made things and life in general so much easier. In my opinion I believe Google would be way more advanced from 5 to 10 years in the future. Google is already my best friend it makes my life way less complicated and just to imagine how much more advanced it would be in the near future just excites me even more. I have been using Google for about 7 years now and it always surprises me with new apps. For example my two favorite apps from Google is the Google Maps and Google Latitude. These two apps are great in their own ways because one helps me reach my destination whenever I am driving and the other helps my mom keep a track of my where about. I honestly think my life would be totally different for the worse if it wasn’t for Google. I am a huge fan of Google and will always be, Google is the real MVP.


Work Cited 
 Dillon, Dennis. “Google, Libraries, and Knowledge Management: From the Navajo to the National Security Agency.” Web. 7 Dec. 2015. <>.  



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